2024 Conference Agenda


Philadelphia, PA, 5 - 6 September 2024


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Sep 58:40
Conference pass

Opening remarks from Terrapinn


Opening Remarks from Terrapinn

Sep 58:45
Conference pass

Chairperson's opening remarks


Recored remarks from Congressman Mike Levin

Sep 59:00
Conference pass

Keynote opening plenary: Never surrender: Mobilizing the global fight against antibiotic resistance


Sponsored by Recce Pharmaceuticals

Moderator: Erika Edwards, Health and Medical Reporter and Writer, NBC News
Alan W Dunton MD, Non-Executive Director, Recce Pharmaceuticals
Wes Kim, Director of Global Public Health Programs, American Society for Microbiology
Sep 59:20
Conference pass

Keynote Plenary: To be announced


Reserved for WHO

Sep 59:40
Conference pass

Keynote panel: Strengthening global health architecture to readily respond to the next health emergency


Other speakers to be announced

Moderator: Carolyn Reynolds, Co-Founder, Pandemic Action Network
David Boucher, Director, Infectious Disease Preparedness & Response, Biomedical Advanced Research And Development Authority
Wolfgang Philipp, Principal Adviser, Chief Science Officer, European Commission Health Emergency Preparedness & Response (HERA)
Sep 510:15
Conference pass

Keynote panel: Challenges and opportunities for access and stewardship in low income countries


Sponsored by GSK

Moderator: Oliver Barnes, US Pharmaceutical & Biotech Correspondent, Financial Times
Aruni Mulgirigama, Head of Infectious Diseases, General Medicines, Gsk
Sep 510:50
Conference pass

Morning Networking Break & Expo Hall Opens


Morning Networking Break & Expo Hall Opens

Sep 511:15
Conference pass

Chair Person

Antibiotic Development
Bradley Burnam, Founder/Chief Executive Officer, Patient Advocate & Founder
Sep 511:15
Conference pass

Chair Person

AMR Diagnostics

Cepheid representative to be announced

Sep 511:15
Conference pass
Sep 511:15
Conference pass

Chair Person

Innovation Showcase
Sep 511:15
Conference pass

Chair Person

One Health
Francesca Chiara, Director of Antimicrobial Resistance Stewardship, Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP)
Sep 511:15
Conference pass

Chair Person

Vaccines (DPC)
Harry Kleanthous, Executive Vice President, Vaccines R&D Strategy & External Innovation, SK Bioscience
Sep 511:15
Conference pass

Chair Person

New Technology (DPC)
Rick Bright, Founder, Bright Global Health
Sep 511:15
Conference pass

Chair Person

Global Collaboration & Partnership (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Panel: Building the framework: Sustainable lab strengthening in LMICs

Antibiotic Stewardship
Moderator: Wes Kim, Director of Global Public Health Programs, American Society for Microbiology
Patrick Mateta, Board Chairman, African Society for Laboratory Medicine
Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Presentation: DISEASE X- The 100 days mission to end pandemics

Vaccines (DPC)
Kate Kelland, Chief Scientific Writer, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Presentation: How can current reimbursement models be leveraged while waiting for ‘pull’ incentives?

Impact, Policy, & Awareness

Sponsored by Debiopharm

Jennifer Quinn, Head of Global Value and Access, Debiopharm International
Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Presentation: Impact of informational environment on intersectional communication for AMR & one health

One Health
Catherine Bertrand Ferrandis, Founder, OLYLO
Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Presentation: Novel DNA pol IIIC inhibitors for gram-positive bacterial infections: Lead product candidate ibezapolstat advancing to phase 3 trials

Innovation Showcase
Robert DeLuccia, Executive Chairman, Acurx Pharmaceuticals
Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Presentation: Project NextGen: Enhancing preparedness with next generation medical countermeasures

Global Collaboration & Partnership (DPC)
Robert Johnson, Director, Medical Countermeasures Programs, HHS/BARDA
Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Presentation: Pull incentives for AMR diagnostics

AMR Diagnostics

To be announced

Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Presentation: The promise of Recce anti-Infectives: Tackling AMR with cutting-edge treatments

Antibiotic Development

Sponsored by Recce Pharmaceuticals

Sep 511:20
Conference pass

Presentation: Upscaling innovation: Bringing visibility into vaccines supply chains within LMICs

New Technology (DPC)
Souleymane Sawadogo, Chief Global Heath Officer, Parsyl
Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Panel: Breaking the cycle: Tackling antibiotic overuse with smart data, enhanced stewardship, and diagnostic precision in outpatient care

AMR Diagnostics

Sponsored by Biomerieux

Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Panel: Navigating the future: Strategies and challenges in AMR policy development

Impact, Policy, & Awareness
Moderator: Taylor Sexton, Executive Director, Medical Countermeasures Coaltion
Paul Plummer, Executive Director, National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education (NIAMRRE)
Jonathan Daniels, US Policy Director, AMR Action Fund
David McKinney, Co-founder & Director, ARMOR - Alliance for Reducing Microbial Resistance
Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Presentation: Breaking barriers in antivirals : Xafty's singular solution for multiple respiratory viral infections

New Technology (DPC)
Heung Jeong Woo, Executive Vice President, Hyundai Bioscience
Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Presentation: Drawing public health insights from wastewater surveillance for AMR

One Health

Speaker to be announced

Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Presentation: Telementoring, equity and advocacy: Collaboration for health through antimicrobial stewardship

Antibiotic Stewardship
Amy Groom, Director of Immunization Initiatives, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, ECHO Institute
Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Antibiotic Development

To be announced

Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Innovation Showcase

Sponsored by CosmoID

Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Vaccines (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 511:40
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Global Collaboration & Partnership (DPC)

To be annoucned

Sep 512:00
Conference pass

Panel: A one health approach: Wastewater surveillance for AMR

One Health

Sponsored by Resistomap

Moderator: Francesca Chiara, Director of Antimicrobial Resistance Stewardship, Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP)
Angela Coulliette-Salmond, Lead – Healthcare Wastewater Team, CDC
Claudio Ternieden, Executive Director, Water & Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA)
Nichole Brinkman, Biologist, US Environmental Protection Agency
Sep 512:00
Conference pass

Panel: Modernizing incentive structures: A roadmap to strengthen antimicrobial development

Antibiotic Development

Other speakers to be announced

Sep 512:00
Conference pass

Panel: Navigating the landscape - Strategies for early-stage developmental funding

Innovation Showcase

Sponsored by LifeArc

Moderator: Peter Seiler, Management Team, Support of Ventures, INCATE
Alex Moreland, Cofounder & CEO, Xiretsa
Mark Engel, CEO, Precisio Biotix
Sep 512:00
Conference pass

Panel: The role of AI for pandemic preparedness

New Technology (DPC)
Moderator: Rick Bright, Founder, Bright Global Health
Claire Wagner, Head of Corporate Strategy & Market Access, Bill and Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute
Charles Holmes, Director of the Georgetown Center for Innovation in Global Health, Georgetown University
Sep 512:00
Conference pass

Panel: To be announced

Global Collaboration & Partnership (DPC)

Reserved for Miami Public Health Policy Lab

Sep 512:00
Conference pass

Presentation: Incorporating social dynamics in antimicrobial stewardship implementation

Antibiotic Stewardship
Sep 512:00
Conference pass

Presentation: Preventing zoonotic spillover: The role of novel next-generation animal vaccines

Vaccines (DPC)
Sep 512:20
Conference pass

Fireside Chat: Building systems for effective vaccination-Access, communication, & policy

Vaccines (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 512:20
Conference pass

Fireside Chat: Impact, policy & awareness: Redefining value for novel outpatient antibiotics

Impact, Policy, & Awareness

Sponsored by GSK

Matthew Helgeson, Global Medical Director, GSK
John Billington, Head of Corporate & Commercial Policy, Gsk
Sep 512:20
Conference pass

Presentation: FebriDx; A rapid point-of-care test tool to aid clinicians in the reduction of antibiotic misuse in acute respiratory infections

AMR Diagnostics

Sponsored by Lumos Diagnostics

Nathan I. Shapiro, MD, MPH, Vice Chairman of Emergency Medicine Research , BIDMC & Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Lumos Diagnostics
Sep 512:50
Conference pass

Keynote panel : Building a common agenda for AMR: Finding the overlap between LMICs and high- middle income countries


Sponsored by AMR Action Fund

Sponsored by Sandoz

Moderator: Dana McLaughlin, Special Assistant to the Deputy Director and Chief of Staff, The White House
Henry Skinner, Chief Executive Officer, AMR Action Fund
Mirfin Mpundu, Director, React Africa
Boumediene Soufi, Global Head AMR, Sandoz
Annick Lenglet, Acting Science Director, International Centre for AMR solutions (ICARS)
Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 10: To be announced


Reserved for Shionogi

Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 2: Successful implementation of community health programs : A look Into Cardiovascular Health Initiative (CHI)

Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 3: Next generation scientists for R&D of antimicrobials

Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 4: One health and pathogen emergence: Understanding the movement between environment, animals, & humans

Vanessa Varaljay, Strategic Alliance Officer - Infectious Diseases Institute, The ohio state university
Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 5: Applications of Global One Health Multifactorial AMR analyses to guide our understanding of its evolution and identify potential interventions


To be announced

Troy Skwor, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 6: What data is needed to fit current payer evidence requirements and how can we generate it


Sponsored by Debiopharm

Jennifer Quinn, Head of Global Value and Access, Debiopharm International
Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 7: To be announced


Sponsored by Cepheid

Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 8: To be announced


Sponsored by Takara Bio

Sep 513:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 9: A broad spectrum antiviral: Xafty for future pandemic preparedness

Dr. C. Jo White, Medical Advisor, Hyundai Bioscience
Dr. Geun-woo Jin, Director of Research & Development, Hyundai Bioscience
Sep 514:10
Conference pass

Chair Person

Antibiotic Development
Bradley Burnam, Founder/Chief Executive Officer, Patient Advocate & Founder
Sep 514:10
Conference pass

Chair Person

AMR Diagnostics

Reserved for Cepheid

Sep 514:10
Conference pass
Sep 514:10
Conference pass

Chair Person

Innovation Showcase

To be announced

Sep 514:10
Conference pass

Chair Person

One Health
Francesca Chiara, Director of Antimicrobial Resistance Stewardship, Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP)
Sep 514:10
Conference pass

Chair Person

Vaccines (DPC)
Harry Kleanthous, Executive Vice President, Vaccines R&D Strategy & External Innovation, SK Bioscience
Sep 514:10
Conference pass

Chair Person

New Technology (DPC)
Rick Bright, Founder, Bright Global Health
Sep 514:10
Conference pass

Chair Person

Global Collaboration & Partnership (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 514:10
Conference pass

Short break before track sessions resume


Short break before track sessions resume

Sep 514:15
Conference pass

Panel: Delivery innovations for optimizing disease control and mitigating AMR

New Technology (DPC)
Moderator: Prashant Yadav, Affiliate Professor of Technology & Operations Management and Faculty Director, Africa Initiative, INSEAD
Brittany Hume Charm, Head of Growth, Global Health, Pendulum Systems
Dino Rech, Chief Executive Officer, Audere
Sep 514:15
Conference pass

Presentation: Advancing microbiome therapeutics as a novel technology in the arsenal against AMR

Innovation Showcase

Sponsored by Seres Therapeutics

Matthew Henn, Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer, Seres Therapeutics Inc
Sep 514:15
Conference pass

Presentation: AI for antibiotic development

Antibiotic Development
César De La Fuente, Presidential Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Sep 514:15
Conference pass

Presentation: Evaluating vaccine efficacy against emerging pathogens: Standardized assay development

Vaccines (DPC)
Ali Azizi, Project Lead, CEPI
Sep 514:15
Conference pass

Presentation: International Instruments and tools to address AMR in the One Health scenario

One Health
Sep 514:15
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

AMR Diagnostics

To be announced

Sep 514:15
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Global Collaboration & Partnership (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 514:15
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Antibiotic Stewardship

To be announced

Sep 514:30
Conference pass

Roundtable 1: Certification Opportunities in Infection Prevention and Control: A Roundtable Discussion with the Certification Board of Infection Control & Epidemiology

Jessica Dangles, Executive Director - CBIC, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
Sep 514:35
Conference pass

Presentation: Betting on the right therapeutic phage using high-performance bioinformatic

Innovation Showcase

Sponsored by Rime Bioinformatics

Antoine Culot, President, Rime Bioinformatics
Sep 514:35
Conference pass

Presentation: Precision microbiome engineering as an alternative to antibiotics to prevent bacterial infections in agriculture

One Health
Sep 514:35
Conference pass

Presentation: Pulling together – an industry perspective on how the NHS England subscription model aims to address the challenges for antimicrobial drug development

Antibiotic Development

Sponsored by Pfizer

Sep 514:35
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

AMR Diagnostics

To be announced

Sep 514:35
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Global Collaboration & Partnership (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 514:35
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Vaccines (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Fireside Chat: Shaping UNGA Priorities: Global Citizens' Juries on AMR - Engaging the Public in Malawi, Thailand, and the US

Impact, Policy, & Awareness
Kyle Bozentko, Executive Director, Center for New Democratic Processes
Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Panel: Effective public private partnerships for pandemic response

Global Collaboration & Partnership (DPC)
Moderator: Hassanatu Blake, Director, Global Health Undergraduate Program, Associate Clinical Professor, University of Maryland School of Public Health
Niesha Foster, Vice President, Global Health & Social Impact, Pfizer
Paul Leon, Head of Government & NGO Strategy, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Panel: Cross-sector engagement: One health AMR success stories

One Health
Moderator: Kris Johansen, Associate Director of External Relations, National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education (NIAMMRE)
Jolieke van Oosterwijk, Chief Scientific Officer, US Biologic
Steven Harris, Chair -Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology, Iowa State University
Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Panel: Patient-centric approaches in the AMR drug pipeline

Antibiotic Development
Moderator: Debbie Goff, Infectious Diseases Specialist, College Of Pharmacy, Ohio State University Medical Center
Dee Grant, Patient Support Lead, Antibiotic Research UK
Ella Balasa, Patient Advocate, Patient Advocate
Bradley Burnam, Founder/Chief Executive Officer, Patient Advocate & Founder
Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Panel: The role of machine learning & AI for vaccine delivery

Vaccines (DPC)

Panelists to be announced

Lynda Stuart, Executive Director, Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington
Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Panel: The role of the IP, nurse and nurse practitioner: Driving antimicrobial stewardship at the bedside

Antibiotic Stewardship
Moderator: Kim Abbass, Clinical Coordinator Antimicrobial Stewardship and Pharmacy Practice, Eastern Zone,, Nova Scotia Health
Fatima Brakta, Clinical Pharmacy Manager, Easter Jefferson General Hospital
Mary Lou Manning, Director, Center for Infection Prevention and Antibiotic Stewardship, Thomas Jefferson University
Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Panel:The role of ID surveillance to reduce AMR

AMR Diagnostics

Sponsored by Cepheid

Anthony Darcovich, Patient advocate, WHO Patient Survivor’s Taskforce
Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Presentation: The impact of biofilms on AMR and challenges faced in antimicrobial efficacy testing

Innovation Showcase

Sponsored byTentamus Group

Tracy Rivett, Business Development Manager/ Biofilm specialist, Tentamus Pharma and Med
Sep 514:55
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

New Technology (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 515:15
Conference pass

Presentation: Evaluating Vaccine Efficacy Against Emerging Pathogens: Standardized Assay Development

New Technology (DPC)
Ami Patel, Assistant Professor, The Wistar Institute
Sep 515:15
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Impact, Policy, & Awareness
Sep 515:35
Conference pass

Short break before keynotes


Short break before keynotes

Sep 515:45
Conference pass

Afternoon Chairperson Opening Remarks

Melissa Mitchell, Secretariat Lead, AMR Industry Alliance
Sep 515:50
Conference pass

Keynote Plenary: Implementing the 100 day mission into action: Where are we now?


Other panelists to be announced

Sep 516:30
Conference pass

Keynote panel: From awareness to action: Identifying tailored solutions for AMR


Reserved for Menarini

Moderator: Corinne Purtill, Science & Medicine Reporter, L.A. Times
Diane Shader Smith, Independent Public Relations and Communications Professional, Patient Advocate
Melissa Mitchell, Secretariat Lead, AMR Industry Alliance
Sep 517:10
Conference pass

Keynote panel: Global champions for AMR: Shaping narratives and influencing policy with the first taskforce of AMR survivors

Moderator: Michelle Cortez, Global Health Care Reporter, Senior Editor, Bloomberg News
Ella Balasa, Patient Advocate, Patient Advocate
Nour Shamas, Antimicrobial Stewardship & Infectious Disease Clinical Pharmacist, AMR Patient Survivor and Advocate
Anthony Darcovich, Patient advocate, WHO Patient Survivor’s Taskforce
Rob Purdie, Founder and Managing Director, Mycology Advocacy, research and Education (MyCARE)

Create your personal agenda –check the favourite icon

Sep 68:00
Conference pass

Registration opens


Registration opens

Sep 68:40
Conference pass

Keynote: Chairperson’s opening remarks

Jomana Musmar, Executive Director, Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, DHHS
Sep 68:45
Conference pass

Keynote Address: AMR: Tackling a silent pandemic with a one-health approach


Sponsored by bioMerieux

Brian Raux, Medical Advisor, bioMerieux
Sep 69:05
Conference pass

Keynote panel: Putting AMR on the global agenda: Setting targets, accelerating action, and ensuring accountability


Sponsored by Pfizer

Sep 69:40
Conference pass

Keynote Plenary: Why the world needs its own immune system


Sponsored by Cocentric by Ginkgo

Moderator: Kate Kelland, Chief Scientific Writer, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
Mitchell Wolfe, Vice President of Global Engagement & Governance, Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc.
Thomas Tsai, Chief Medical Advisor, Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc.
Sep 610:20
Conference pass

Expo and networking break


Expo and networking break

Sep 610:55
Conference pass

Chair Person

Antibiotic Commercalization

To be announced

Sep 610:55
Conference pass

Chair Person

AMR Diagnostics

Reserevd for Cepheid

Sep 610:55
Conference pass

Chair Person

AMR Vaccines

To be announced

Sep 610:55
Conference pass

Chair Person

Innovation Showcase

To be announced

Sep 610:55
Conference pass

Chair Person

Impact, Policy, & Awareness
Marjorie Korn, Deputy Communications Director, AMR Action Fund
Sep 610:55
Conference pass

Chair Person

Genomics & Surveillance

To be announced

Sep 610:55
Conference pass

Chair Person

Diagnostics & Surveillance (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 610:55
Conference pass
Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Fireside chat: A new grand bargain to improve the antimicrobial market for human health

Antibiotic Commercalization
Javier Guzman, Director, Global Health Policy, Center for Global Development
Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Fireside chat: Infectious disease detection and surveillance project

Diagnostics & Surveillance (DPC)
Lungi Okoko, Senior Program Officer, Global Health, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Investors panel: Seeking returns from investing in anti-infectives

Innovation Showcase
Moderator: Aleks Engel, Director, REPAIR Impact Fund, Novo Holdings
Mark Bamforth, General Partner, Kineticos AMR Accelerator Fund I, Kineticos Life Sciences
Fei Shen, Investment Director, Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund
Martin Heidecker, Chief Investment Officer, AMR Action Fund
Bita Sehat, Senior Investment Director, Trill Impact Ventures
Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Panel: Building a Pandemic-Resilient Society: Making the Investment Case for Pandemic Preparedness

Funding & Preparedness (DPC)
Moderator: Justin Yang, Co-Founder, Kaibab Health & DMV Bio
A'in Nur, Project Executive, Asia-Europe Foundation
Kevan Oconnor, Venture Investor, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Giulia Balconi, Investor, Adjuvant Capital
Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Panel: Everything, everywhere, all at once. Why the common thread in resistant, infectious diseases may be biofilms

Infection Prevention

Sponsored by N8 Medical

Moderator: Ted Buckley, Vice President, Government Affairs, Shionogi Inc.
Steve St. Onge, SVP -Corporate Development, Clarametyx Biosciences
Diane Shader Smith, Independent Public Relations and Communications Professional, Patient Advocate
Maud Eijkenboom, Managing Director, Lixa
Carl Genberg, Chief Scientific and Development Officer, N8 Medical
Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Panel: To be announced

AMR Vaccines

Reserved for CARB-X

Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Presentation: Breaking down barriers: Health equity strategies for underrepresented communities

Impact, Policy, & Awareness
Jovonni Spinner, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Beacon Public Health
Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Presentation: Bridging the gap: Transitioning rapid detection methods for food safety use

AMR Diagnostics
Cheryl Armstrong, Research Microbiologist, USDA
Sep 611:00
Conference pass

Presentation: Tackling antimicrobial resistance in healthcare: The significance of robust health and economic data

Genomics & Surveillance
Sep 611:20
Conference pass

Panel: Women's health: AMR today & more importantly, tomorrow

Impact, Policy, & Awareness
Moderator: Beth Battaglino, Chief Executive Officer, HealthyWomen
Carolyn Reynolds, Co-Founder, Pandemic Action Network
Uzma Syed, Board Member, Sepsis Alliance
Sep 611:20
Conference pass

Presentation: A future call on diagnostics: Addressing the global antimicrobial & diagnostic pipeline through the UK PACE initiative

AMR Diagnostics
Sep 611:20
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Antibiotic Commercalization

To be announced

Sep 611:20
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Genomics & Surveillance

Sponsored by Takara Bio

Rohit Kadam, Product Manager - qPCR applications, Takara Bio USA
Sep 611:20
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Diagnostics & Surveillance (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 611:40
Conference pass

Panel: Leveraging partnerships for antimicrobial developments

Antibiotic Commercalization
Moderator: John Alter, Head of External Affairs, AMR Action Fund
Yann Ferrisse, Director, Business Development & Partner Engagement, GARDP
Sep 611:40
Conference pass

Panel: Pandemic risks, management, & mitigation: Conversations with local health officials

Diagnostics & Surveillance (DPC)
Moderator: Meghan Pennini, Chief Therapeutics Officer, HCORE, HHS
Syra Madad, Senior Director, System-wide Special Pathogens Program, NYC Health + Hospitals
Meredith Allen, Vice President, Health Security, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
Sep 611:40
Conference pass

Panel: The economic burden of AMR

Genomics & Surveillance

IHME representative to be announced

Moderator: Jomana Musmar, Executive Director, Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, DHHS
Jeremy Knox, Head of Policy, Infectious Diseases, Wellcome Trust
Anthony McDonnell, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Global Development
Sep 611:40
Conference pass

Presentation: Future breakthrough therapy in the prevention of AMR infections - A synthetic, autonomous, AI-chosen microbiome based biotherapeutic. Human Biome's journey to make it real

Innovation Showcase
Sep 611:40
Conference pass

Presentation: Liposomal encapsulation of polysaccharides (LEPS) as an effective vaccine strategy to protect aged hosts against S. pneumoniae infection

AMR Vaccines
Manmeet Pal Singh Bhalla, Senior Research Scientist, University at Buffalo
Sep 611:40
Conference pass

Presentation: What’s next? Predicting and preparing for the next pandemic

Funding & Preparedness (DPC)
Sep 612:00
Conference pass

Fireside chat: Diversity in clinical trials

Impact, Policy, & Awareness
David Almeida, CEO & Founder, Brooklyn Clinical Research
Sep 612:00
Conference pass

Presentation: Engaging ecosystems: Driving political actions & commitments to strengthen pandemic response

Funding & Preparedness (DPC)
Claire Wingfield, Director, Partnerships & Advocacy, FIND
Sep 612:00
Conference pass

Presentation: Rifampin-resistant Tuberculosis- A pediatric cluster investigation

Infection Prevention
Margaret Gilman, Director, Infection Prevention and Control, Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware
Sep 612:00
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

AMR Vaccines

To be announced

Sep 612:00
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Innovation Showcase

To be announced

Sep 612:20
Conference pass

Networking break & film screening: HOLOBIOME


What if you found out that, on a cellular level, you, your body at least, is more microbial than human. And what if it wasn’t just your body that is more microbial than it seems, but that almost everything, all life on earth, is made possible by microbes? The concept of the Holobiome captures this reality and also beckons us to reconsider our understanding of health and infectious disease, along with our relationship to the microbial world. This series currently features two innovative short films that explore this emergent, holobiome, understanding of life and health.

Film 1 Maddie's Transplant (20min) is a documentary featuring the harrowing tale of a young woman and her mother confronting what happens when the human immune system becomes compromised and the drugs stop working.

Film 2 Bradley's Burden (18min) is a sci-fi / documentary hybrid explores the future past of biotechnology and the need for innovation and more innovative thinking in our relationship with infectious diseases and the microbial world

Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 1: To be annnounced


To be announced

Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 10: To be announced


To be announced

Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 2: AMR-related grant funding through the agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): Areas of interest and tips for success

Susan Henderson, Medical Officer, AHRQ/ CQUiPS
Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 3: Overcoming misinformation and restoring trust in public health in rural Tennessee through cinema

Mark Chee, Assistant Professor of Biology, Hood College
Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 4: Targets and accountability: How can progress be maintained in the global response to AMR beyond this year’s UN High-Level Meeting

Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 5: Antibiotic stewardship in veterinary medicine: Progress and remaining challenges?

Laurel Redding, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania
Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 6: Innovation for broadband anti-infectives targeting pandemic preparedness and the growing challenge of antimicrobial resistance

Karsten Ottenberg, Chairman, AATec Medical
Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 7: To be announced


To be announced

Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 8: To be announced


To be announced

Sep 613:00
Conference pass

Roundtable 9: To be announced


To be announced

Sep 613:40
Conference pass

Chair Person

Antibiotic Commercalization

To be announced

Sep 613:40
Conference pass

Chair Person

Antibiotic Stewardship

To be announced

Sep 613:40
Conference pass

Chair Person

AMR Vaccines

To be announced

Sep 613:40
Conference pass

Chair Person

Innovation Showcase

To be announced

Sep 613:40
Conference pass

Chair Person


To be announced

Sep 613:40
Conference pass

Chair Person

Genomics & Surveillance

To be announced

Sep 613:40
Conference pass

Chair Person

Diagnostics & Surveillance (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 613:40
Conference pass
Sep 613:40
Conference pass

Short Break Before Track Sessions Resume


Short Break Before Track Sessions Resume

Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Panel: Economic & procurement tools to improve antibiotic access: SECURE and other initiatives

Antibiotic Commercalization

Other speakers to be announced

Moderator: Javier Guzman, Director, Global Health Policy, Center for Global Development
Brenda Waning, Chief, Global Drug Facility (GDF)
Benjamin Park, Senior Specialist, AMR/ IPC, The Global Fund
Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Presentation: Adapting for accessibility & affordability: Saliva as a sample type to overcome testing barriers for better outbreak control

Diagnostics & Surveillance (DPC)
Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Presentation: Candida auris: Turning challenges into successes at your healthcare facility

Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Presentation: From bedside to clinic: Navigating the landscape of antimicrobial stewardship challenges

Antibiotic Stewardship
Kevin Nguyen, Infectious Diseases Pharmacist & Associate Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship, St Christophers Hospital for Children
Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Presentation: Harnessing the power of genomics to understand antimicrobial resistance emergence in the environment

Genomics & Surveillance
Thanh Nguyen, Professor, University of Illinois
Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Presentation: Impact of COVID on consumption of antimicrobials

Infection Prevention
Tauqeer Mustafa, Public Health Specialist, Fleming Fund
Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Presentation: NIAD's pandemic preparedness plan

Funding & Preparedness (DPC)
Jane Knisely, Pandemic Preparedness Strategy Coordinator, Division of Microbiology and Infectious Disease, NIAID, NIH
Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

AMR Vaccines

Reserved for BacVax

Sep 613:50
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Innovation Showcase

Speaker to be announced

Sep 614:10
Conference pass

Fireside chat: Institutional investors: Allies in the fight against AMR

Innovation Showcase
Emma Berntman, Senior Engagement Specialist AMR, FAIRR Initiative
Sep 614:10
Conference pass

Panel: Role of certification in reducing risk of infection and transmission of AMR

Infection Prevention
Sep 614:10
Conference pass

Presentation: Building trust & reimagining health for the 21st century

Funding & Preparedness (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 614:10
Conference pass

Presentation: Clinicians underutilize novel antibiotics in AMR infections: What will it take to move the dial?

Antibiotic Stewardship
Sameer Kadri, MD, ICU Physician and AMR Epidemiologist, NIH CLINICAL CENTER
Sep 614:10
Conference pass

Presentation: Developing first-in-class mAbs targeting novel, fungal cell wall proteins as safer and efficacious therapies for invasive fungal infections

Soumya Palliyil, Head of Scottish Biologics Facility, University of Aberdeen
Sep 614:10
Conference pass

Presentation: Emerging antimicrobial resistance: The importance of vaccines and the role of investors

AMR Vaccines
Giulia Balconi, Investor, Adjuvant Capital
Sep 614:10
Conference pass

Presentation: The challenges and promise of using pan-pathogen diagnostics and metagenomics for surveillance and discovery

Diagnostics & Surveillance (DPC)
Sep 614:10
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Genomics & Surveillance

To be announced

Sep 614:30
Conference pass

Panel: From new drug developments to new approaches: Tackling the emerging threat of anti-fungal resistance

Moderator: Rob Purdie, Founder and Managing Director, Mycology Advocacy, research and Education (MyCARE)
Carol Munro, Professor, University of Aberdeen
Sep 614:30
Conference pass

Panel: Detecting and correcting misinformation online - What's next?

Funding & Preparedness (DPC)
Moderator: Erika Edwards, Health and Medical Reporter and Writer, NBC News
Katrine Wallace, Epidemiologist, University of Illlinois Chicago
Walter Straus, Vice President, Clinical Safety & Risk Management, Moderna Therapeutics
Paul Offit, Physician, Childrens Hospital of Pennsylvania
Eric Burnett, Hospitalist, Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Sep 614:30
Conference pass

Panel: Strengthening antibiotic regulation: Antimicrobial Resistance in lower-middle-income countries and its global implications

Antibiotic Commercalization
Mirfin Mpundu, Director, React Africa
Amita Gupta, Director - Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University
Sep 614:30
Conference pass

Panel: To be announced

AMR Vaccines

To be announced

Sep 614:30
Conference pass

Panel: To be announced

Diagnostics & Surveillance (DPC)

To be announced

Sep 614:30
Conference pass

Presentation: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) AMR-related activities: Research to implementation

Antibiotic Stewardship
Susan Henderson, Medical Officer, AHRQ/ CQUiPS
Sep 614:30
Conference pass

Presentation: Cracking the code: MDRO surveillance secrets revealed

Genomics & Surveillance
Sean Brown, Associate Director of Infection Prevention & Control, NYC Health + Hospitals
Sep 614:30
Conference pass

Presentation: Next steps: Standardizing guidelines for phage susceptibility testing

Innovation Showcase
Sep 614:50
Conference pass

Presentation: Regulatory considerations in the development of bacteriophage for clinical use

Innovation Showcase
Sep 614:50
Conference pass

Presentation: To be announced

Infection Prevention

To be announced

last published: 26/Jul/24 12:56 GMT