The Workplace Learning Conference is one of 8 paid conferences running in parallel with all EduTECH conferences and brings together corporate and government training and development managers to share knowledge and insights on key topics for the next learning era: the digital age and new learning technologies, BYOD and work from home technologies, latest theories and innovative approaches, current and future thinking.




  • Training Managers
  • Learning & Development Managers
  • Skills Development Managers
  • Chief Learning Officers
  • Human Resource Managers
  • Business Coaches and Mentors
  • eLearning Managers
  • Instructional Designers
  • Talent Managers
  • Heads of TAFE


  • Hybrid working & learning
  • Leader & learner engagement
  • Creating a learning culture
  • Collaborative learning
  • L&D strategy
  • Future of Work
  • Collaboration with industry, TAFE and Higher Ed
  • Gamification
  • Data analytics & the business impact
  • LearningTECH e.g. AI, robotics, automation, simulation
  • Practical strategies to address the skills gap
  • Leadership Development
  • Onboarding
  • Learning Design



Workplace Learning, Tuesday 13 August 2024

Panel discussion
Justin Sterns
Workplace Learning

A data-informed approach to developing better leaders

Justin Sterns, Head of Capability, Westpac
Panel discussion
Workplace Learning

How women’s under-utilised potential can solve for Australia’s skills shortages

  • Ways to increase women’s economic participation rate, and ways to add $128 billion to Australia’s economy by helping women engage in work, on their terms
  • How online learning at work and digital communities help women thrive in their careers
  • The role women play in supporting Australia’s transition from resources into a knowlegde and tech economy, with new careers in AI, cyber, and data
Beth Hall
Workplace Learning

The evolving skills landscape: Anticipating current and future requirements

  • Identifying and addressing current and future skill shortages in Australian organisations.
  • The transition from traditional job roles to a skills-based approach and its implications for learning and development.
  • The effects of skilled migration on development strategies.
Dr Kuva Jacobs
Workplace Learning

Harnessing the talent of an AI genius toddler to create stunning visuals for your learning design

1. Meet DALL-E your Creative AI Companion: Learn what DALL-E is and how it can be a game-changer in creating bespoke visuals for learning content.


2. Handy Hacks: Gain insights into effective techniques for leveraging DALL-E, including best practices for crafting prompts.


3. Challenges and Limitations: Recognising and overcoming some challenges and limitations of working with DALL-E to get brilliant, meltdown-free results. 


4. DALL-E Exploration: Collaboratively craft an image using DALL-E, using creative prompting techniques to get innovative results.

Sally Anne Browner
Workplace Learning

Optimising collaboration across TAFE, higher ed and industry to drive agile curriculum development and solve Australia’s biggest skills challenges

What are the opportunities identified, lessons learnt, and barriers uncovered?

  • Critical importance of vision and government funding
  • Freedom and flexibility of non-accredited Microcredentials 
  • Power of collaboration for enhancing credibility, creativity, and scalability
  • Balancing mutual benefit and self interest
  • The challenge of re-skiller employability
Daniel Wiggins
Workplace Learning

Building an AI capability strategy

Daniel Wiggins, Learning & Organisational Development Manager, Group ANZ, Opal
Keiran McLean
Workplace Learning

Building complex workforce capability at scale

  • Connecting the purpose of the learning ecosystem to its design
  • Identifying what really matters in the ecosystem
  • Why “perfect” can be the enemy of impact
  • How to get the most out of partner organisations
  • Practical lessons to support success in "build" and “run"
Dr Amanda Allisey
Workplace Learning

Leadership and learning trends; how to put context over content in order to upskill leaders for complexity

  • Why traditional leadership development is no longer fit for purpose and what methods are required to reach leaders for meaningful impact
  • What do leaders really need to know and do in this age of complexity in order to thrive and how to rapidly upskill them
  • How to turn learning into solutions that leaders want for real tangible challenges they are facing
last published: 26/Jul/24 05:05