Table Talks


Dive deeper and spark debate!

Forget passive panels. In our intimate roundtables, delegates will brainstorm, challenge, and collaborate with fellow education leaders on the most pressing topics in EdTech.


Get hands-on, get vocal, get connected.


Share insights, tackle real problems, and forge lasting connections with like-minded peers.


Table Talks Highlights 

Focused Educational Discussions:  Participate in lively debates on current teaching methodologies, classroom technologies, trends.

Three Educational Tracks:  Learn from educators and leaders with varied perspectives and experiences.

1. School Teachers: Innovative teaching strategies
2. ICT Management: Technology integration in education
3. Digital Technologies: Impact of digital tools in learning


Peer and Expert Insights:  Collaborate and learn from fellow educators and EdTech experts.

Networking Opportunities:  Build connections within the educational community.

Interactive Learning Experience:  Challenge your perspectives on education and technology.

  Join us at EduTECH to explore educational innovations and network with industry leaders.

Be part of the dialogue shaping the future of education.





Table Talks, Tuesday 13 August 2024

Panel discussion
Table Talks

AI for LIFE invites you to join the opportunity to develop and evaluate new meaningful AI and technology integration opportunities for Education.

This session runs at 13:15 and 13:45

It is our purpose to create safe, trusted and responsible AI capability in collaboration with schools, EdTech industry, Government and University partners.

AI for LIFE will leverage Edtech at scale in classroom practice and has partnered with the South Australian and Victorian Departments for/of Education, UniSA, Monash, UQ, USyd and a growing group of Edtech partners.

Join our roundtable and learn more about what AI for LIFE means for your organisation and how to join us a partner.

Key agenda items:

  • AI for LIFE vision and mission
  •  AI for LIFE EdTech opportunity
  •  AI for LIFE call to action
  • AI for LIFE partnership
Wai Kuen Chan
Table Talks

Bring intelligence to schools by light: Empowering AI, BYOD, E-Learning and STEM for comprehensive educational excellency by Advanced Optical Networks

This session runs at 13:15 and 13:45

Gain insights into the latest technologies that can enhance your teaching methods and improve student engagement. Learn how to leverage advanced infrastructure to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment. 


Explore how AI can provide personalized learning experiences, streamline administrative tasks, and offer predictive analytics to support student success. 


Panel discussion
Table Talks

Minimising student administration and maximising CRM effectiveness in Higher Education

This session runs at 13:15 (ONLY)

Higher education institutions are drowning in data. CRM, Student information systems, marketing platforms, and external sources create a complex web, often siloed and difficult to analyse. This hinders efficient student administration and effective use of CRM tools.Join us in this roundtable discussion where we dive deep into the data challenges faced by higher education institutions across the student journey and explore strategies to overcome them.


We'll delve into:


  • Minimising student administration burden: Streamlining processes, leveraging automation, and integrating data sources for a holistic student view.
  • Maximising CRM effectiveness: Unifying student data, overcoming data quality issues, and building a technology platform like Salesforce Education Cloud that helps enhance the learner to earner journey.
Host: Dr Jocelyne Bouzaid, Change and Training Lead, Simplus\Infosys
Panel discussion
Table Talks

Minimising student administration and maximising CRM effectiveness in K-12

This session runs at 13:45 (ONLY).


K12 institutions are drowning in data. CRM, Student information systems, marketing platforms, and external sources create a complex web, often siloed and difficult to analyse. This hinders efficient student administration and effective use of CRM tools.Join us in this roundtable discussion where we dive deep into the data challenges faced by K12 institutions across the student journey and explore strategies to overcome them.


We'll delve into:


  • Minimising student administration burden: Streamlining processes, leveraging automation, and integrating data sources for a holistic student view.
  • Maximising CRM effectiveness: Unifying student data, overcoming data quality issues, and building a technology platform like Salesforce Education Cloud that helps enhance the learner to earner journey.
Host: Dr Jocelyne Bouzaid, Change and Training Lead, Simplus\Infosys
Dr Jenny Nash
Table Talks


This session runs at 14:15 and 14:45

Shane Fagg
Table Talks

Scratch that coding itch

This session runs at 14:15 and 14:45


Learn how to build visual coding skills across prep to 6 with Scratch (free), plus see how Scratch can be used to create a level of Super Mario Bros! I’ll show you how to build on the basics in Scratch Jnr on the iPad, through to Scratch V3 on laptops.  Let’s Scratch that coding itch!

Table Talks

ACEL Exchange: Your Ideas, Our Future

This session runs at 15:15 and 15:45.

We want to hear from you.  Come and join us as we connect, listen, share and learn.  


ACEL’s deep connection and networks with experts, researchers and practitioners in the field nationally and globally ensure we have access to contemporary and evidence informed professional learning opportunities gaining us a reputation for our agility, creativity, and responsiveness to the learning needs of educators regardless of sector or location.   This work is aligned to ACEL’s vision in creating a dynamic and collaborative learning community, where educators come together to learn with and from each other, to share ideas and work towards our commitment to improve the quality of learning for all. Let’s discuss what you need and how we can support you in your professional learning and connectedness to the profession.   


  • What do you need to support you in your teaching, leading, learning?
  • How can we help?  
Panel discussion
Table Talks

BTN High - a resource for teachers

This session runs at 15:15 and 15:45.

Brought to you by the team at BTN High - Behind The News - ABC


  • Why media literacy is important
  • How you can safely engage with news in the classroom
  • Are there enough teaching resources for your subjects/year levels?
Coby Reynolds
Table Talks

Improving literacy outcomes through AI-Driven writing assessment

This session runs at 15:15 and 15:45.


This roundtable will explore the role of AI in revolutionising writing assessment with an emphasis on building trust among users. Addressing consistency of marking, uses in moderation, and integration into the teaching process, this discussion aims to provide a holistic view of how AI tools can transform literacy outcomes.

This session will be of interest to:

  • Director, Learning & Teaching / GM, Learning & Teaching
  • GM and/or Director, Education, Strategy and Performance
  • Department Heads; English/Literacy, especially if our round tables are focused heavily on Writemark & AI
  • School Improvement Leaders
  • Year Level Leaders / Heads of Year
  • Principals / AP's

Panel discussion
Table Talks

Optimise teacher productivity and create deeper student connections

This session runs at 15:15 and 15:45.

Learn how to supercharge assignment setting, supervision, and grading, and discover powerful tools to navigate AI challenges and provide a safe, accessible place for student collaboration.

Panel discussion
Table Talks

Spark your STEM ed through international practitioner based research-insights from the K-ULF model in Sweden.

This session runs at 15:15 ONLY.

These table talks are for SCHOOL LEADERS.

The potential for practitioner-based research to stimulate further interest in the field of STEM education is considerable. The K-ULF model, which has been implemented in Sweden, offers a particularly illuminating case study. 

This table talk will facilitate a discussion on the potential of practitioner-based research to enhance STEM education. It will draw on insights from the K-ULF and provide an opportunity for attendees (insert school leaders or teachers) to share their experiences and to engage in a constructive exchange of ideas on how these experiences can be applied in different contexts. 

Panel discussion
Table Talks

Authentic learning as a way to increase relevance and engagement in STEM - insights from the ESERO Sweden project.

This session runs at 15:45 ONLY.

These table talks are for SCHOOL LEADERS.


ESA (European Space Agency) has initiated ESERO (European Space Education Resource Office) in 22 countries in Europe with the aim to enhance school pupils’ literacy and competence in STEM-related subjects by using space as a context. ESERO Sweden has implemented several space projects for K-12 students in collaboration with universities and science centers.

This table talk will facilitate a discussion on the potential of  authentic learning to enhance STEM education. It will draw on insights from the ESERO Sweden project  and provide an opportunity for attendees (insert school leaders or teachers) to share their experiences and to engage in a constructive exchange of ideas on how these experiences can be applied in different contexts. 


last published: 26/Jul/24 05:05