Dr Eva Hartell | Researcher
KTH Royal Institute of Technology & Haninge Municipality

Dr Eva Hartell, Researcher, KTH Royal Institute of Technology & Haninge Municipality

Dr Eva Hartell is currently Head of Research in Haninge municipality, and researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in Sweden, and at University of Bergen, in Norway. Eva is involved in several national and international practitioner-based research and development projects, such as ATS STEM and K-ULF. She is working closely with teachers and schools with the purpose of bridging teaching and learning in general, and primarily within STEM education. Bio https://www.kth.se/profile/ehartell   
K-ULF https://www.kth.se/en/k-ulf  
X (Twitter) @EvaHartell
Instagram @evahartell & @tillit_till_it
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/evahartell/


Day 1 @ 14:15

PANEL - New metrics - it's time to rethink standardised testing

Day 1 @ 15:15

Spark your STEM ed through international practitioner based research-insights from the K-ULF model in Sweden.

This session runs at 15:15 ONLY.

These table talks are for SCHOOL LEADERS.

The potential for practitioner-based research to stimulate further interest in the field of STEM education is considerable. The K-ULF model, which has been implemented in Sweden, offers a particularly illuminating case study. 

This table talk will facilitate a discussion on the potential of practitioner-based research to enhance STEM education. It will draw on insights from the K-ULF and provide an opportunity for attendees (insert school leaders or teachers) to share their experiences and to engage in a constructive exchange of ideas on how these experiences can be applied in different contexts. 

Day 1 @ 15:45

Authentic learning as a way to increase relevance and engagement in STEM - insights from the ESERO Sweden project.

This session runs at 15:45 ONLY.

These table talks are for SCHOOL LEADERS.


ESA (European Space Agency) has initiated ESERO (European Space Education Resource Office) in 22 countries in Europe with the aim to enhance school pupils’ literacy and competence in STEM-related subjects by using space as a context. ESERO Sweden has implemented several space projects for K-12 students in collaboration with universities and science centers.

This table talk will facilitate a discussion on the potential of  authentic learning to enhance STEM education. It will draw on insights from the ESERO Sweden project  and provide an opportunity for attendees (insert school leaders or teachers) to share their experiences and to engage in a constructive exchange of ideas on how these experiences can be applied in different contexts. 


Day 2 @ 11:55

Comparative judgment - the future of assessment of competences and performances

Comparative judgment has emerged as an alternative assessment method for assessing competencies, skills and performances. This iterative process results in a collective professional consensus with high reliability and can be enhanced by digital tools, offering promising outcomes for increasing affordances for teachers' assessment practices to benefit learning.

This session provides an overview of comparative judgment and its application in various settings, such as facilitating peer assessment and communicating criteria for success.

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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