David Yip | Chair, Innovation Taskforce
Future Skills Organisation

David Yip, Chair, Innovation Taskforce, Future Skills Organisation

David is a visionary technology executive with over 20 years experience spanning start-up, scale-up and enterprise organisations. He has worked with clients across multiple industries to deliver customer-centric growth using technology as the catalyst.  David is a recognised thought leader in tertiary education with a track record of bringing cross-industry innovation to the sector.  He is also an expert in applied AI and digital transformation for the enterprise, demonstrated through several world & regional-first initaitives during his leadership roles at IBM and Salesforce. As Founder & CEO of Impactive Systems, David helps clients devise business and AI strategies, implement go-to-market, plan their digital transformation, develop new enterprise capabilities and build digital solutions.  He holds double bachelor’s degrees from Melbourne University, an Executive MBA from UNSW, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.  David also holds a number of NED and advisory board roles with organisations including tertiary education, arts and culture, and digital health venture capital.


Day 1 @ 12:00

PANEL - The Innovation Imperative: connecting supply and demand to solve our skills shortages

  • AI is accelerating industry change and amplifying skills shortages
  • How can industry & unions, education and Government come together, through an innovation approach, to solve our skills challenges
  • Ideas from around the world and other industries
last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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