Sally Anne Browner | Senior Manager Operations - Digital
Institute of Applied Technology

Sally Anne Browner, Senior Manager Operations - Digital, Institute of Applied Technology

Speaker at Digital Transformation Live 2023, EdTechsummit 2023, Contributor to NSW Digital Compact, Deakin MBA Student, Women's Advanced Leadership Program Scholarship Recipient 2021, Cofounder of Goanna Education, Finalist in Women's Agenda Awards 'Emerging Leader in Tech 2018' and Finalist in Telstra Business Women of the Year 2018/19 - Medium/Large Business. With over seven years of experience in intensive technology education I am now running the NSW Institute of Applied Technology -Digital (IAT), a collaboration between TAFE, universities, and industry to deliver future-focused skills training. My core competencies include envisioning innovative education solutions and bringing them to life, cutting through the BS to get to the heart of a problem and inspiring other people to work hard to solve the same problem. I love linking industry and education, equipping students with relevant skills, and empowering teachers with technology. I am fascinated by the rapid pace of technological change and the best ways to upskill people quickly. I am passionate about building great teams, embracing diversity and surrounding myself with a rich variety of skills and people. I love learning and can be found attending or listening to something most days of the week.


Day 1 @ 14:45

Optimising collaboration across TAFE, higher ed and industry to drive agile curriculum development and solve Australia’s biggest skills challenges

What are the opportunities identified, lessons learnt, and barriers uncovered?

  • Critical importance of vision and government funding
  • Freedom and flexibility of non-accredited Microcredentials 
  • Power of collaboration for enhancing credibility, creativity, and scalability
  • Balancing mutual benefit and self interest
  • The challenge of re-skiller employability
last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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