Sarah Prestridge | Digital Pedagogies
Griffith University

Sarah Prestridge, Digital Pedagogies, Griffith University

Associate Professor Sarah Prestridge, Griffith Institute for Educational Research, examines the areas of digital pedagogies, online teaching, connected learning and self-generating professional learning. She has always been interested in how teachers conceptualise technologies and how this effects the ways they use it in their teaching. For over 30 years she has served as classroom teacher, education adviser and academic. 


Day 1 @ 15:45

PANEL - Doing schooling differently

Why - society changing means schooling changes;

  • some students can't get to school
  • students have the same classroom approaches all their schooling (unrealistic for life)
  • to cope with change and to broaden their idea of their role in education

What - need to provide different ways students can engage in learning (online, flexible, increase choices, different ways of learning engagement);

  • need not to teach same way online that happens in the classroom
  • design for choice and flexible engagement

How - start with school based changes- longer open flexible sessions;

  • classrooms in different spaces- asynchronous first then synchronous + check-ins
  • teaching beyond physical classroom 
  • increasing choice across time periods


Day 2 @ 13:30

PANEL - Designing thinking across the curriculum

Day 2 @ 14:30

PANEL - How GenAI frames students’ critical thinking (not just does the work for them)

GenAI has entered the classroom and it's here to stay. Luckily, teachers and their students can harness this technology to improve learning outcomes and increase engagement. This is an open discussion that focuses on how GenAI can build students' confidence and critical thinking skills, and addresses teachers' fears that this technology will hinder learning. Join the discussion for insights on questions like:


  • How can GenAI tools increase student engagement and set up a preferred learning environment? (not sure what a preferred learning envrioment means)


  • What kinds of questions and prompts students can ask a GenAI tool that will establish understanding?


  • How can interacting with GenAI's can combat learning anxiety and encourage deeper learning?


Classroom walls are expanding thanks the GenAI. Listen in on the all the possibilities.

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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