Meg Bailey | Teacher - Winner - Australian Secondary School Teacher of the Year (Government)
Templestowe College

Meg Bailey, Teacher - Winner - Australian Secondary School Teacher of the Year (Government), Templestowe College

Meg Bailey is a Learning Specialist at Melbourne’s innovative Templestowe College where, as well as teaching Maths and Environmental Sciences, she is the Director of Learning – Student Agency and Authentic Learning. In this role Meg co-ordinates the school’s project-based learning programs and oversees the school’s wide-ranging ‘student-led electives’. Originally trained as a meteorologist, Meg is passionate about sustainability and weaves this into much of her work at the school. In this presentation Meg will explain how they have integrated design thinking across a range of cross-curricular projects and how Templestowe College continues to pursue student agency and authenticity within a framework of cultural and environmental sensitivity.


Day 2 @ 13:30

PANEL - Designing thinking across the curriculum

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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