Maria Emmi | ELearning Teacher Educator
Loreto Kirribilli

Maria Emmi, ELearning Teacher Educator, Loreto Kirribilli

Maria’s role as the eLearning Teacher Educator at Loreto Kirribilli involves the creative integration of innovative and emerging technologies across the school curriculum. From teaching Kindergarten students to code a robot, to preparing senior students for robotics competitions, to building teachers’ capacity with the latest digital applications, her role is to harness the potential of new and emerging technologies to enrich pedagogy and improve student outcomes. Continually exploring and modeling next practice, she shares with teaching staff ideas and pedagogies for use in all Key Learning Areas. She is passionate about developing transdisciplinary programs that harness the use of innovative technologies that build the 21st century skills and promote the 4Cs. By enthusing our youngest students with a curiosity for innovation and a confidence to apply technology to solve real world problems, we are creating a generation of students who will have the learning dispositions to thrive in a technology driven world.   


Day 1 @ 13:15

Leveraging digital technologies in mathematics

Our session focuses on leveraging digital technology to design for deep learning in Mathematics. Discover innovative ways to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes through authentic technology integration. We will delve into hands-on activities, including augmented reality applications and AI, used to reinforce mathematical concepts. We will demonstrate how these technologies can transform traditional math lessons into dynamic, interactive experiences, while also highlighting cross-curricular opportunities to address literacy within the Mathematics curriculum.

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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