George Pantazis | Science Teacher and STEAM Specialist
Charthouse Primary School

George Pantazis, Science Teacher and STEAM Specialist, Charthouse Primary School

George Pantazis is currently the Science/STEM Teacher at Rockingham Beach Primary School in WA. George worked at Marble Bar Primary school, a remote school in the Pilbara region of WA for three years (2020-2022) where he led an integrated STEM program combining western pedagogy with First Nations culture and knowledge. George discovered a passion for teaching late in his career, retraining as a teacher after being inspired by his wife’s teaching career and a passion for working in First Nations communities. George implemented the CSIRO’s Two-way Science learning program at Marble Bar Primary School, allowing his students to become the teachers and share their knowledge of First Nations science. The students used technology including 3D printing, virtual reality (VR) and drone aviation to showcase First Nations science and art. George also collaborated with local Elders, industry and external organisations to deliver the integrated STEM program, celebrating First Nations culture. After discovering that the local Nyamal language was spoken by fewer than ten people, George consulted with the local community to integrate the language into the school’s STEM program. He worked in collaboration with Airborne IT to create a virtual world where the critically endangered language is now being shared with the world through a VR gallery. George also worked with students to create the only copyrighted digital First Nations seasonal calendar in WA, depicting the seasons of the East Pilbara region. His use of VR and local First Nations knowledge has also allowed the culture, songs and Dreamtime stories of the region to be shared with international audiences through a range of initiatives, including the Virtual Teacher Development Centre. George’s innovative teaching methods have led to Marble Bar Primary School being recognised as a state leader for culturally responsive STEM education during his time in Marble Bar. George’s goal is to make STEM accessible and engaging for all students, and he is focused on providing pathways into STEM for First Nations students. Career highlights:

  •  2021 Meritorious Leadership Award (Runner-Up), WA Governor’s School STEM Awards – to Marble Bar Primary School
  •  2021 Recipient of the Indigenous STEM Teacher Award, CSIRO Indigenous STEM Awards
  •  2022 Innovating Government Initiative of the Year, INCITE Awards – to Marble Bar Primary School (for Marble Bar Virtual World)
  •  2022 Chevron Australia Science Engagement Initiative of the Year, WA Premier’s Science Awards – to Marble Bar Primary School (for Marble Bar Virtual World)
  •  2022 Victorian Government Inspiration Award, iAwards, Australian Information Industry Association – to Marble Bar Primary School (for Marble Bar Virtual World)
  •  2022 Certificate of Merit for the National Government Public Sector Award, iAwards, Australian Information Industry Association – to Marble Bar Primary School (for Marble Bar Virtual World)
  •  2022 Public Sector Digital Government Winner at Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards (for Marble Bar Virtual World)
  •  2022 Game Changers Regional Excellence Award (WAITTA)
  •  2022 Game Changers Best use of STEM (Years 7-8) (WAITTA)
  •  2022 Recipient of the PM Prizes for Excellence in Science Teaching in Primary Schools
  •  2023 Australian Education Awards - Ideagen CompliSpace Best First Nations Education Program - to Marble Bar Primary School (Integrated Virutal World)


Day 1 @ 12:45

Leading first nations program ‐ Integrated virtual world

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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