Daniel Wolfe | Branch Chief, BARDA CBRN Vaccines
Biomedical Advanced Research And Development Authority

Daniel Wolfe, Branch Chief, BARDA CBRN Vaccines, Biomedical Advanced Research And Development Authority

Dr. Wolfe currently serve as the Branch Chief for the Vaccine Program in support of the CBRN Division of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). In doing so, he leads the advanced development and management of complex vaccine projects targeting biological threats. The branch is comprised of team of interdisciplinary experts providing technical oversight of the manufacturing, testing, clinical, non-clinical, and regulatory aspects of these vaccine programs. He leads a program of vaccines targeting priority biological threats, leading them across the ‘valley of death’ into advanced development and ultimately to FDA licensure. In doing so, he and his team continues to improve the preparedness posture for the United States in the event of a biological attack or outbreak. His background includes a Ph.D. in Pathobiology, studying mechanisms of vaccine-mediated immunity and vaccine escape.


Day 1 - November 28 @ 09:20

Fireside chat: Government perspective & priorities on the future of pandemic preparedness in the USA

  • Priority areas for funding
  • How does small biotech to big pharma work under the new loan authority?
  • What does the future look like for government agencies

Day 3 - November 30 @ 08:40

Keynote Panel: Beyond Borders: Collaborating for success in developing vaccines for emerging infectious diseases

  • Challenges around stock piling vaccines that are not yet licensed – 
    • need for (relatively small) stockpiles of “vialed and quality-tested vaccines that are ready to be clinically tested in populations as soon as the next outbreak strikes”.
    • Is stockpiling the victim of market failure?
    • Funding mechanisms decoupled from the market
  • Aligning programmatic interests during outbreaks and “peace times
    • Experiences getting Sudan Ebola vaccines to Uganda
  • Alternative regulatory pathways and accelerated development
  • Aligning interests & objectives of international funding partners

Day 3 - November 30 @ 12:15

Fireside chat: Engaging with public-private partnerships to accelerate multi-use technologies with commercial and preparedness applications

Innovation is a journey that can be complex and unpredictable, but it does not have to follow a singular path. Leveraging opportunities to collaborate with multiple stakeholders, including through public-private partnerships, can accelerate innovation and yield unique advantages.

During this session, Dr. Michael Egan, CEO of CastleVax, will share insights on how the CastleVax technology has been accelerated by leveraging opportunities such as New York State funding, incubation through BLUE KNIGHT™ at JLABS @ NYC, partnering with another BLUE KNIGHT™ company to be awarded $1M through the BLUE KNIGHT™ Resident QuickFire Challenge: Accelerating Project NextGen, and a Project NextGen award to support a phase 2b clinical trial.  

In a conversation with Dan Wolfe, Branch Chief, CBRN Vaccines at BARDA, the discussion will highlight leveraging complementary opportunities to accelerate next generation potential solutions and how BARDA engages in public-private partnerships to support early-stage companies.

last published: 02/Jan/24 12:15 GMT

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