Make sure that you get the most from your participation at World Vaccine Congress West Coast 2023.
Promote your presence and increase interactions onsite with new and current clients.
Download the toolkit to spread the news about your participation and ensure that you meet the right people at the show.
A quick and easy way to let everyone know you’re exhibiting / speaking at the congress is to add the banner below to your email signature and get your team to do the same. We can also send you one with your logo on it.
Request your personalised email signature or contact directly.
Announce you’re exhibiting / speaking at the show on social media using #WVCWC or mentioning the following pages:
LinkedIn -
Twitter - @VaccineNation
If you create your own invites, emails or adverts don't forget to use the World Vaccine Congress West Coast 2023 logo.
Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Jasper Cameron at for more materials.