Apply for Start-Up


NoVacancy has Start-Up Pods available within the exhibition for small Australian start-ups that meet the approval of the Expo Management Team, as well as the criteria below.

If you are a new company with revenue under $500k p.a and fewer than 10 employees, get in touch! 



Brand Awareness
With over 5,000 hotel & accommodation professionals from across Asia Pacific, NoVacancy can help you tell your story.

Our philosophy is simple: we bring people together. Your networking experience starts as soon as you sign up to the NoVacancy app, which allows you to chat with potential leads and arrange meetings.


  • 1m x 1m stand (Pod): Includes company name and branded stand signage.
  • Website & Event App Listing: Features your logo, bio and a link to your website.
  • Event App Features: Connect, network and capture leads seamlessly.
  • Pitch Fest Opportunity: Eligibility to apply for a live pitch to investors and industry leaders.

Criteria to qualify for Start-Up Pod:

  • Less than 10 employees
  • Revenue <$500K p.a.
  • Less than 4 years in business
  • Must offer a tech-driven product, service or solution
  • Product should be market ready 
  • Must not have exhibited as a start-up at a Terrapinn event before


  • Enquire using the form below for pricing options


Laura Ward - Networking Manager
02 8526 5740

Where & When

ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre
Darling Harbour, Sydney

Wednesday 17 September 2025
Thursday 18 September 2025
Open 9:30am – 5pm daily



Sponsorship Enquiries


Speaking Enquiries


Marketing Enquiries