Troy Williams | Chief Executive
Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia

Troy Williams, Chief Executive, Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia

The Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) is the peak business organisation representing independent skills training, higher education and international education providers.  Troy is recognised as an authoritative source of policy advice by the media and government, sitting on key stakeholder forums convened by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), and Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA).  He represented independent higher education providers on the Australian Universities Accord Ministerial Reference Group is a former member of the federal Ministerial Advisory Committee on Skilled Migration.  Prior to his appointment with ITECA in 2018, Troy served in senior executive roles with industry associations in the medical technology, property and construction sectors.


Day 2 @ 09:00

Is an integrated tertiary education system now possible?

With significant Australian government reforms currently being implemented in the skills training and higher education sectors, will Australia finally achieve the integrated tertiary education system that students and employers require?  This presentation will canvas the expansive nature of this ambition and the role of key agencies such as Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), the role of regulators and how skills training and higher education student funding and loan programs would need to change.

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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