Trent Cowley | Executive Principal
Mabel Park State High School

Trent Cowley, Executive Principal, Mabel Park State High School

Trent Cowley is an award winning school Principal and leader in schools. He has spent the majority of his 20 year career, teaching and leading in schools in low socio-economic areas around South-East QLD.  Trent is the Executive Principal at Mabel Park State High School and was awarded the 2023 Primary School Principal of the year for his leadership of Kingston State School from 2020 - 2023. He was named a 2022 Teaching Fellow in the Commonwealth Bank, Schools Plus Teaching Awards.  Trent is a passionate State Schooling educator and is a firm believer in building teacher's capability in schools. Teachers make the difference in the classroom and it is the job of school leadership teams to help enable teachers to create well planned, engaging lessons. 


Day 2 @ 15:00

Leading in low SES - focusing on teaching & learning

  • Building a positive school culture 
  • What works and how do we engage our students? 
  • How do we support our teachers to enable them to focus on teaching and learning?
  • The challenges we are facing in a BYOD world 
last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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