Stephen Mason | Chief Executive Officer
Awards Victoria

Stephen Mason, Chief Executive Officer, Awards Victoria

Stephen Mason MAICD  Stephen has led Awards Victoria since 2017, focusing on expanding the impact,  access and inclusion to youth development programs through a shared approach with the sector and our delivery partners. Stephen is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Australian Institute of For-Purpose Leaders. He has an MBA in Global Sustainable Management from the Kisho Kurokawa Green Institute at Anaheim University.  Stephen’s passion is to drive a societal shift towards an equitable education sector, a fair and just economy, and a society living within its planetary boundaries. He believes this is best achieved through a benefit mindset and collaboration.


Day 2 @ 13:10

PANEL - Relationships matter: Growing student belonging to cultivate a connected school community

Research shows the pivotal role that belonging plays in overall wellbeing and academic outcomes.  Cultivating a culture of empathy, support, and encouragement within the school community creates an environment where students feel valued, understood, and empowered to thrive across the many layers of their learning journey.

As educators, we recognise the profound impact that a strong sense of belonging can have on student application to learning and engagement in classroom practice, which has the capacity to significantly enhance academic performance. By exploring the intersection between resilience and student belonging, we recognise resilience as a key factor in navigating challenges and building strong connected communities. We also see belonging as a protective factor for things such as school absences, school refusal, and behaviours that are not compatible with successful academic outcomes. So, what can schools do to foster a greater sense of belonging?


This panel brings together thought leaders in the field of wellbeing education, who will discuss ways to cultivate belonging and connection in a school environment.

Audience takeaways:

  • The significance of fostering a sense of belonging in schools.
  • The consequences associated with a lack of school belonging.
  • Strategies for facilitating a stronger connection between students and their school.



Day 2 @ 14:20

PANEL - Effective mental health support strategies and services

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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