Prof Shelley Kinash | Chief Academic Officer
Universal Higher Education (UHE)

Prof Shelley Kinash, Chief Academic Officer, Universal Higher Education (UHE)

Professor Shelley Kinash is an executive leader with over 30 years’ experience in tertiary education. Her substantive position is as Universal Higher Education’s Chief Academic Officer. In addition, she is Chair Academic Board for both the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors and Endeavour College of Natural Health, enabling benchmarking and cross-fertilisation. Her ongoing research is practice-based, deriving impact on student voice and equity, and graduate career outcomes. She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a Faculty-member of the Australasian Council on Open and Digital Education’s Learning Technologies Leadership Institute. As a teaching academic, she facilitated student learning within the disciplines of educational technology, inclusive education, teacher preparation and community rehabilitation and disability studies. As an executive leader across three Australian universities, she has led institution-wide quality, learning, teaching and student experience. This 360 approach to her career journey enables Professor Kinash to lead joined-up collaboration and communities of practice, facilitating high-quality experiences and outcomes for students, graduates, staff and communities. 


Day 1 @ 15:15

Supporting student success and retention

  • A user-guide to the Australian Universities Accord Final Report including practical application by providers.
  • Comparison and contrast between private providers and public universities and what works at each.
  • Practical approaches to supporting students to use generative artificial intelligence with academic integrity.
  • A Support for Students Framework with practical strategies including intervention plans.
last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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