Sam Nikolsky | Director
Wyndham Tech School

Sam Nikolsky, Director, Wyndham Tech School

Sam Nikolsky is an experienced and internationally recognized STEM education leader. His passion lies in inspiring innovation in schools by aligning education with Industry 4.0. With a background in industrial design and secondary teaching, Sam currently serves as the director of Wyndham Tech School, a high-tech STEM Centre of Excellence located in Melbourne’s outer west. At Wyndham Tech School, over 16,000 students and 1,500 teachers participate in immersive industry-aligned interdisciplinary learning experiences each year. Sam’s groundbreaking work includes the development of the Wyndham Tech School Education Model, which serves as a prototype for the future of education. This innovative model revolves around students solving real-world case studies using technology, providing them with pathways to future careers. The model is delivered through one-day or 10-week programs, covering topics such as AgriTech Innovators, Smart Cities, Game Development & Esports Entrepreneurship, and Digital Storytelling. In recognition of his contributions to STEM, Sam was made an Honorary Fellow of Re-Engineering Australia in 2022. Additionally, in 2023, he became the first Australian teacher to receive the prestigious Astronaut Al Worden Endeavour Scholarship. This scholarship allowed him to lead Team Australia at Space Camp and complete the Space Academy for Educators at NASA.


Day 2 @ 09:30

Prototyping the future of education

  • See how partnerships between education & industry with a focus on Industry 4.0, robotics & automation, cyber, digital & data allows students to solve real-world problems using industry-standard software and hardware
  • See how a focus on inclusion, accessibility and engagement provides transformational experiences for students outside the traditional frameworks of schooling
  • See how Wyndham Tech School is leading the way through industry-driven curriculum, high spaces and equipment and innovative pedagogies and equipment.

See this video for a snapshot of our work:

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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