Lee Swift | CISO
CEWA (Catholic Education Western Australia)

Lee Swift, CISO, CEWA (Catholic Education Western Australia)

Lee Swift serves as the Chief Information Security Officer at Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA). In this pivotal role, he leads a team of dedicated security professionals, ensuring a robust and safe learning environment for both staff and students. With a keen eye on emerging threats, Lee and his team actively combat the rising tide of cyber attacks, which have surged by over 35% annually. Their mission extends beyond mere defence; they are committed to fostering a strong cyber culture within the CEWA community, emphasising that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. CEWA, as the governing body for 163 schools and colleges across the state, plays a critical role in education. Lee’s expertise and strategic vision contribute significantly to safeguarding sensitive data, protecting against cyber threats, and ensuring the smooth operation of CEWA’s digital ecosystem. His dedication to excellence and proactive approach make him an invaluable asset in the ever-evolving landscape of information security. Remember, in today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity is not just a technical concern—it’s a collective effort that involves every member of the community.


Day 1 @ 14:45

Security Sarah - Automated cyber response

Learn how CEWA uses “Security Sarah” to streamline security automation and free up human resources to enhance CEWA’s security posture. Throughout this journey CEWA has begun to explore how the experience can be added/augmented with GenAI and see what the next steps on Security Sarah’s journey will be.

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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