Karen Eyre | Head of Information Services
Brisbane Boys' College

Karen Eyre, Head of Information Services, Brisbane Boys' College

Karen Eyre is the Head of Information Services at Brisbane Boys College. She is a Prep to Year 12 Teacher Librarian with a background in teaching secondary English and Geography. Karen is constantly advocating for the role libraries play within a school: as safe spaces, as bastions against the sea of mis-dis-and-mal-information, and as places that can open up the world within the pages of a book. Inspired by the findings from Deakin University’s studies into Teen Reading, Margaret Merga’s work on creating reading culture in schools, and her own observations and experience with students and reading, Karen is currently reimagining the reading program at BBC and making reading more social, with an aim to improving both the attitudes towards reading and the boys’ self-perception about themselves as readers.


Day 2 @ 13:00

Improving Reading Culture

  • Responding to research by Deakin University and Margaret Merga to try and keep teens engaged in reading
  • Switching from a ‘points-based’ reading program to something new – why make the change?
  • My new reading program aimed at making reading a more social experience
last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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