Janet Coomber | Head of Campus
Xavier College

Janet Coomber, Head of Campus, Xavier College

Janet has had a diverse range of experiences in education, and is passionate about making a difference in people's lives. Janet has taught in a wide range of different systems in both the Northern Territory and South Australia, including Tennant Creek, Alice Springs, Whyalla and the Iron Knob, the Mid-North, and the wider Northern suburbs of Adelaide.  

Janet is dedicated to educational equality, and has worked diligently to curate thriving educational environments for all. Janet has held a number of leadership positions, including Assistant Principal roles in Catholic Education South Australia, the Head of Middle School at Xavier College Gawler, and the inaugural and current Head of Campus at Xavier College Two Wells. 

During her leadership tenures, Janet has made significant contributions to education and was recently awarded an ACEL leadership award and was also the recipient of the International Future Now Award from Adolescent Success for her work in the transition of Year 7 students from Primary to Secondary settings. 

Under her guidance in her current role as Head of Campus, Janet has created a dynamic school, which has become one of the fastest growing schools in the state of South Australia, with a student population of 800 from Reception to Year 9 in just over three years.

Janet is ardent in her support of her students, staff, and community, and believes culture is key. Janet creates strong leadership pathways for her staff and works to create a school community that is courageous, innovative, collaborative and keeps the students at its heart. 


Day 2 @ 13:30

Creating a new school (from bricks to culture) - How to; lessons learned; a great success

  • We were charged with building a whole new school in 18 months - from design to build completion, staffing, resourcing, curriculum development, IT, students, creating a community and establishing culture. We did this and are now three years in, with a student enrolment of nearly 800 students from Early Years to Senior Years, including an OSHC.  This fits i with the Edubuild.
  • Our Pastoral Care for students has been part of the success - we would explain our Oratory System, and how we case manage our students for wellbeing and learning.
  • Our design is pedagogically driven and has a biophilic emphasis, which has been extremely successful and conducive to learning and unity. 
  • Culture is key - we will explain our approach to support our staff, create strong leaders, and bring the parent and family community together.
last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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