Andrew Kinch | Founder

Andrew Kinch, Founder, GameAware

"As a competitive and casual gamer of 30 years, a teacher of health and wellbeing for 15 and a parent of 2, my skillset is primed to tackle this issue." I love video games. I love the immersion, the skill, the competition and the community. That being said, in the past I’ve had the experience of stepping over the line where video games took up way too much of my time and affected me in ways I didn’t expect. That’s why I’m going to know exactly what our gamer is feeling, and how to get buy-in for a healthier and more sustainable way to enjoy their passion. Our mission is to bridge the gap between gamers, parents and professionals through education and intelligent gaming strategies.

  • developing esports player development pathways that maximise benefits and minimise harms of overplaying
  • learn how to play intelligently and sustainably
  • minimize compulsion and escapism by building resilience
  • reduce the conflict around gaming at home
  • develop self knowledge and a greater sense of fulfilment


Day 2 @ 11:00

Building healthier relationships with gaming

  • Explore what motivates gamers to play in healthy and unhealthy ways
  • Learn the difference between engaging and compulsive game design
  • Learn how schools can harness the benefits of gaming through gaming clubs and esports programs
last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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