Dr Alan Ibbett | Manager IT Services

Dr Alan Ibbett, Manager IT Services, CEnet

I am an Electrical Engineer specialising in communications and design. (BE (Elec. UTS) in 1991 ME (UTS) in 2007. In 2022 I gained my Doctor of Information Technology from Charles Sturt University.  I began work in SCADA and automation and control systems for Sydney Water and NSW Department of Water Resources. In 1997 I moved in to education as Senior Communications Planner in TAFE which became DET. Provided network (LAN,WAN) design and build services (including team leadership) for NSW DET schools and Corporate offices, including the DET video conferencing system and satellite systems for School of the Air and the DET MPLS core. In 2004 provided design and training for the Mekong River Commission Mekong flood warning and Hydrological system.  In 2007 moved to the DOW as Chief Technology Officer. In 2016 the Diocese of Wollongong and Arch Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn decided to create a shared services model for ICT delivery and I became the Joint Chief Information Officer for the two Diocese. In 2018 the Arch Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn engaged in an internal restructure and the shared service was terminated. After the success of the shared services model between the two Educational Agencies the Diocese of Wollongong maintained the CIO position and has been exploring shared services arrangements with other Agencies of the Church in the Diocese.   Currently serves on the Board of Mater Dei School in Camden. Is a keen advocate for :
Open Source, women in engineering, own your own destiny and eat you own dog food. I don't like:
IT that does not work, attempting to solve human problems with technology Currently I am attempting (with some success) to ignite a passion for the Internet of Things including Arduino and RaspberryPi in the education space in various schools in NSW.


Day 1 @ 15:15

What are Your Devices Saying about you?

This cyber safety presentation emphasises the information that IoT devices leak without the user even being aware of the leakage and what to do about it.Attendees are taken through what an IoT device is, the sort of data that is shared and how this data is collected.The presenter shows the audience a simple Arduino device that was used to collect data and presents some anonymised real data that was collected.Finally the presentation ends by demonstrating some simple steps people can take to turn off some of the radios in their devices or ways of renaming them to make them less obvious to hackers.

Day 2 @ 12:30

The future of AI is here now - Governance, technology and people ready to work with AI safely and productively

  • In this session we look at some of the history, vocabulary and implications of AI in the classroom.
  • Present strategies on developing a viable roadmap to ensure max economic return and student safety.
  • Examine what CEnet have done do get its governance, technology and people ready to work with AI safely and productively.
last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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