Dr Adrian Camm | Principal
Westbourne Grammar School

Dr Adrian Camm, Principal, Westbourne Grammar School

Adrian is an educator and speaker who explores the intersection of culture, learning and design.

He is currently Principal and the Managing Director of the Board at Westbourne Grammar School. Previously Adrian has held roles including Associate Principal, Deputy Principal, Director of Teaching & Learning, and Director of a Centre for Learning, Research, and Innovation.

As a vocal advocate of experiential & project-based learning, Adrian has worked with schools and organizations around the world and has had the chance to present his innovation for the future of learning to leading innovators & thinkers in business & industry including Dr. Edward de Bono, Daniel Dennett and one of USA’s top ten entrepreneurs and inventors Raymond Kurzweil. He has engaged his audience in thousands of hands-on workshops and conference presentations that are known for big-picture thinking whilst being practical, relevant & down to earth. Adrian is a strategist and digital transformation expert, holds a Masters of Education (Leadership), a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Deakin University, and has been recognized with many awards throughout his career.


Day 1 @ 14:45

Establishing your digital, data, and cyber security strategy

In 2021 Westbourne Grammar School engaged in a collaborative and consultative process creating a comprehensive digital strategy, that combined teaching, learning, infrastructure, and the business and operations functions of our school. This innovative and systematic roadmap aims to position us at the forefront of this space over the next three years.

This keynote will focus on three main areas:First, how our Digital Strategy was created, the process used, it’s launch, and how the strategy is being project managed, implemented, tracked, and reported against. I will share the successes of using a distributed leadership model and the structures and support mechanisms we have in place to drive this agenda.

Second, I will share how our data visualization and analytics framework sits within this strategy and how by developing this capability you have the potential to enhance every part of your school. Of particular note is how it can augment the visibility and nature of Executive and Board reporting through descriptive and predictive analytics and real-time visualization of key metrics and project status.

Third, the critical importance of developing your cyber security posture as an Executive and a Board, given that the ACSC are now reporting a critical cyber incident every 8 minutes in Australia. What is your current posture? Do you have a stance? What is your current maturity level as an organization? What would you do if a critical cyber incident occurred at your school? And do you have the required protocols, processes, policies, delegations, insurance, and recovery mechanisms in place?

This talk will not only highlight the critical importance of the digital, data, and cyber security triad, it will also leave the audience with key ideas that are actionable in their own context.


Day 2 @ 09:30

Establishing your digital, data, and cyber security strategy

This keynote will focus on three main areas:

First, how our Digital Strategy was created, the process used, it’s launch, and how the strategy is being project managed, implemented, tracked, and reported against. I will share the successes of using a distributed leadership model and the structures and support mechanisms we have in place to drive this agenda.

Second, I will share how our data visualization and analytics framework sits within this strategy and how by developing this capability you have the potential to enhance every part of your school. Of particular note is how it can augment the visibility and nature of Executive and Board reporting through descriptive and predictive analytics and real-time visualization of key metrics and project status.

Third, the critical importance of developing your cyber security posture as an Executive and a Board, given that the ACSC are now reporting a critical cyber incident every 8 minutes in Australia. What is your current posture? Do you have a stance? What is your current maturity level as an organization? What would you do if a critical cyber incident occurred at your school? And do you have the required protocols, processes, policies, delegations, insurance, and recovery mechanisms in place?

This talk will not only highlight the critical importance of the digital, data, and cyber security triad, it will also leave the audience with key ideas that are actionable in their own context.

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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