Dr KT Tan is the Chief Technical Officer at Viridian Solar, a UK company based in Cambridge with their renowned innovative Clearline Fusion products. For over two decades, he has been devoting his professional life to developing products and technologies for the renewable sector. He started to work with solar thermal well before the PV became a mainstream renewable solution.
As a Chartered Engineer, he specialises in new solar technologies with a particular interest in roof-integrated systems, advanced PV cell technologies and innovative mounting solutions.
He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET). He actively participates in the PV industry as the Chair of the MCS Solar PV Technical Working Group. He is also the Chair of the GEL/82 Standards Policy and Strategy Committee for PV Systems and the Industrial Advisory Panel of the Centre for Doctoral Training in New and Sustainable PV. Internationally, he is the convenor of international committee for IEC TC82 WG8 solar cell technologies.
He is an experienced Chief Technical Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the renewable and environment industry. He has regularly been invited to speak at international conferences and events related to PV technologies.