The Smith Family


At The Smith Family, we believe that education is one of the world’s most powerful change agents. That’s why we focus on helping young Australians to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty.

As a national, independent charity, every day we work with thousands of children and their families to help them unlock better futures for themselves.

The Smith Family has been working to improve the lives of children living in disadvantage for 100 years.

Over that time, The Smith Family has evolved to become a modern, dynamic, evidence-based organisation that helps children in need create better futures for themselves through long-term support for their education.

Today we’re supporting 62,822 students on our flagship Learning for Life program, helping to break the cycle of disadvantage through targeted, long-term support for their education – and we’re expanding our careers education programs, providing even more opportunities to help students transition from school, tertiary education or training into the workforce.
