Frauke Naumann-Winter | Head of Unit

Frauke Naumann-Winter, Head of Unit, BfArM

Frauke Naumann-Winter is a molecular biologist and epidemiologist by training and holds a PhD in Genetics. Frauke Naumann-Winter is currently Head of Unit for Paediatric and Orphan Medicinal Products in the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical devices and is the German delegate and Vice-Chair at the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products of the EMA.


Day 2 - Thursday 24 October @ 11:10

Panel: What are the impacts of rare designation?

Day 3 - Friday 25th October @ 09:45

The use of RWD in orphan drug development and access pathways

-Where does real world data fit in the evidence hierarchy for developing orphan medicines?

-What are the opportunities and challenges for using real world data generated from rare disease patients?

-How can innovative approaches help to integrate real world evidence in supporting effective decision making by different stakeholders?

-Is there good alignment between decision makers on the value of real world data?




last published: 13/Oct/24 14:15 GMT

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