Jessica Trần Thị Thanh Nga (Ms.) | Giám đốc điều hành, Việt Nam / Country Manager, Vietnam
Clime Capital

Jessica Trần Thị Thanh Nga (Ms.), Giám đốc điều hành, Việt Nam / Country Manager, Vietnam, Clime Capital

Jessica Nga Tran is Clime Capital’s country manager for Vietnam, responsible for market landscaping, identifying optimal opportunities for SEACEF investment while supporting primary investment origination efforts, investment selection & structuring in energy transition primarily in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Jessica’s main qualifications are related to market intelligence and analysis, development of renewable energy and decarbonization strategies for transportation and industry, supply chain management. She is passionate about Enhancing Society Together, protecting the Earth planet, enabling low carbon green growth in the less well-off and developing countries of the world, uplifting the poorest through managing innovative multi-million-dollar blended finance for energy transition supporting program in Asia Pacific.

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Contact us

To sponsor or exhibit:
Bastiaan van der Heijden
Alice (Hoang Anh) Chevalier


Speaking opportunities:
Phu Nguyen
Zalo: 096 170 8538


To be a partner:
Hairol Salim
Danelle Filipinas