Dương Văn Thưởng (Mr.) | Giám đốc khu vực Đông Nam Á / Head of Southeast Asia
Quỹ đầu tư ecoligo / ecoligo

Dương Văn Thưởng (Mr.), Giám đốc khu vực Đông Nam Á / Head of Southeast Asia, Quỹ đầu tư ecoligo / ecoligo

Mr. Dương Văn Thưởng serves as the Head of Southeast Asia at ecoligo, a pioneering company driving the clean energy revolution in emerging markets through crowd-financed solar energy solutions. With extensive P&L responsibility, he oversees the entire Southeast Asian operations, playing a crucial role in shaping and executing business strategies for both short and long-term success. Mr. Thưởng is instrumental in expanding the project pipeline, ensuring the growth of sustainable initiatives, and facilitating the contract signature process for impactful environmental and economic returns. His leadership contributes to stopping harmful CO2 emissions in key economies, making significant strides in the global effort to combat climate change.

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To sponsor or exhibit:
Bastiaan van der Heijden

Alice (Hoang Anh) Chevalier



Speaking opportunities:
Phu Nguyen

Zalo: 096 170 8538


To be a partner:
Hairol Salim 

Danelle Filipinas