Sofia Stayte | Head of Future Flight Policy
Department for Transport

Sofia Stayte, Head of Future Flight Policy, Department for Transport

Head of Future of Flight Policy at the Department for Transport (DfT) in the United Kingdom. Sofia is an experienced government professional skilled in policy development, implementation, and public finance. Her extensive experience includes heading the Independent State Pension Age Review for the UK Government, leading Private Pensions policy, Programme Strategy and Benefits Realisation for the Fraud and Error Programme and leading the European Social Fund programme on skills and employment investment in the Department for Work and Pensions. Previously Sofia's career included public finance and accountancy roles in 4 different local authorities such as the Metropolitan Police. During her DfT career, Sofia set up and led a new Rail Workforce Strategy policy, led on Aviation Brexit Negotiations, Aviation Consumer and International Travel policy during Covid, before her current role leading on Future of Flight. Sofia is a member of the Government Policy Profession and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting.


Day 2 @ 13:30

Panel: Certification strategies: working with regulators to go airborne

Day 2 @ 15:45


last published: 16/May/24 08:15 GMT

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