Ramon Pruneda | Technical Director
Area Metropolitana de Barcelona

Ramon Pruneda, Technical Director, Area Metropolitana de Barcelona

Ramon Pruneda is an Industrial Engineer with a specialization in Energy Engineering, currently serving as the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at AMB Informació i Serveis, owned by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. He oversees strategic and technical operations, managing projects related to Barcelona's public transport network, including the supervision of subsidized social tickets, consolidating PT information via data architectures, and implementing Business and Artificial Intelligence solutions. AMB Informació also spearheads the development and management of public mobility services such as Low Emission Zones and Park & Ride facilities.
Previously, Ramon was a Project Manager at Barcelona City Council's Department of Economic Promotion, where he led mobility and energy projects from 2009 to 2015, including the LIVE Platform for electric vehicle promotion. He participated in international forums like the Electric Vehicle Initiative and the International Energy Agency’s Annex Group EV. His earlier career included roles at ALTRAN Technologies, focusing on Sustainable Electro Mobility Solutions, and engineering positions at VALEO, SIEMENS Automotive, and CONTINENTAL Corp, enhancing his expertise in energy efficiency and process engineering in industrial settings.


Day 2 @ 11:15

From Data to MaaS Deployment: Addressing Development Challenges in Mobility as a Service

last published: 30/Apr/24 15:35 GMT

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