Serryn O'Regan | CEO
Equinim College

Serryn O'Regan, CEO, Equinim College

Serryn O'Regan has 30 years’ experience in business and law with a specialisation in education. Having led legal deals worth up to A$2.4 Billion in the 1990s, and worked in 3 heavily regulated industries, Serryn is adept at navigating a complex environment, and making it all about quality.

Serryn O’Regan works with Equinim College, and Evolve College.

Serryn O’Regan personally was named by ASQA’s previous Chief Commissioner as an exemplar in education at the Velg National VET Conference in 2019, and Serryn is absolutely committed to higher and vocational education and their value to the Australian public.

Serryn O’Regan has often presented on regulatory matters at education and law conferences, and has been interviewed by the National Regulator more than once on areas of best practice in education in Australia. Serryn has also been featured in a case study of best practice in online education on the National Regulator’s website.

Serryn O’Regan is a member of various committees in education to support the advance of the sector, including the ASQA Stakeholders Liaison Group, the VET Student Loans Provider Reference Group, the ITECA National Policy Committee. Serryn is a NCVER Board member. Serryn was formerly an official mentor to lawyers for the Association of Corporate Counsel for three years, and she was shortlisted for Australian Corporate Counsel of the Year in 2018. She also formerly previously served as a member of the NSW Senior Solicitors Panel, and the NSW Law Society Ethics Committee.

Serryn has led global educational campaigns for a renowned charity based in Washington DC, which charity reaches 1 billion people worldwide. She has been asked to consult and speak both in Australia and internationally, drawing on her extensive experience and expertise in the education space.

Connect with Serryn O’Regan on LinkedIn:  


Day 2 @ 10:05

PANEL - New industry demands & new models of learning. How the VET system will keep up with these changes?

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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