Michael O'Leary | Assistant Director-General / Chief Information Officer
Queensland Department of Education

Michael O'Leary, Assistant Director-General / Chief Information Officer, Queensland Department of Education

Michael O’Leary is the Assistant Director-General and Chief Information Officer in the Information and Technologies Branch of Queensland’s Department of Education. Michael provides strategic advice to the Director-General and statutory agencies on the best use of ICT for the department. Being in the role since October 2015, he leads a diverse portfolio; incorporating application development, policy creation and information management, ICTs for learning, business support, as well as overseeing the provision of ICT services to over 650,000 state school students and staff members across Queensland. Michael has spent over three decades in the education sector, as a teacher and principal in regional and metropolitan areas as well as in statewide strategic policy. He also holds a Masters in Education (Information Technology) from Deakin University.


Day 1 @ 11:45

CIO PANEL - Cyber security & data privacy with AI on the rise in schools

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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