Abhishek Singh Bhati | Pro Vice-Chancellor and CEO
Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education

Abhishek Singh Bhati, Pro Vice-Chancellor and CEO, Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education

Professor Abhishek Singh Bhati is the Pro Vice-Chancellor and CEO at the Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education. Previously, Abhishek held Associate Dean, Interim Deputy Vice Chancellor and Campus Dean roles at Universities in Australia and Singapore. He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism Management (PhD) from James Cook University and Master of Business Administration in Marketing Management (MBA) from Maastricht School of Management. In addition, he obtained post-graduate learning and teaching qualifications, Graduate Certificate in Education Tertiary Teaching (GCETT) and Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education (DACE).

Abhishek is the Regional Vice-President (SE Asia) of International Tourism Studies Association and makes regular contributions to print media and appearances on TV and radio on tourism-related matters. He serves as a volunteer with Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and mentors Universities in Malaysia and Thailand. He actively participates as a National Environment Agency (NEA) community engagement volunteer and in Purple Parade activities. He is recognised as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). He contributes to corporate governance through his Board Directorship of Singapore based enterprises.

He serves as a member of the WIL SIG under Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN) and is a member of the Academy of Management, USA. Abhishek is an active researcher, and his research has been published in a wide variety of reputable publications in the field of tourism and scholarship of learning and teaching. In particular, he is interested in technology and the role it has as a catalyst for tourism industry changes, Low-carbon tourism for future sustainable development, and the need for tourism to deliver United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). His current research interest is tourist behaviour management, resilience planning and scholarship in Teaching and Learning.


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 17:20

Panel – Hidden figures: The impact of wellbeing on academic performances

  • Examining the correlation of mental health on academic results
  • Emphasising the importance of a positive and supportive campus culture
  • Exploring how digital tools, apps, and platforms can aid mental health and wellness.
  • Strategies for universities to adopt holistic approaches that address physical, mental, and emotional health
last published: 25/Jul/24 08:55 GMT

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