The World Vaccine Congress is the largest, most established meeting dedicated to vaccines.
From basic research to commercial manufacture, this one meeting covers the whole vaccine value chain where science, government and manufacturers all come together to groundbreaking progress.
Bioprocess & Manufacturing
Join this track to meet with the manufacture and bioprocessing leads who need services for all of the latest manufacturing challenges, from formulation to incorporating adjuvants, improving mRNAplatforms, VLPs and viral vectors, to technology transfer and decentralised manufacturing.
BioPharma Showcases
[NEW] The Biopharma Showcases track offers a unique opportunity to explore the innovations driving the next wave of vaccine and biopharma advancements. This track features presentations fromemerging companies at the forefront of technological and scientific breakthroughs, highlighting cutting-edge developments in areas such as vaccine platforms, delivery systems, diagnostics, andbioprocessing. With a focus on progress and potential, these sessions provide attendees with a glimpse into the future of biopharma innovation and the partnerships driving it forward.
AMR & Bacterial Vaccines
Explore the role of vaccines in reducing antibiotic dependency and mitigating AMR risks. This track covers bacterial vaccine advancements, public health implications, and strategies to integratevaccines into broader AMR policy frameworks for global health security.
Pre-Clinical Development
This track highlights pre-clinical breakthroughs, including novel vaccine constructs, animal models, in silico testing, and correlates of protection. Learn how early-stage innovation lays thegroundwork for successful clinical trials and accelerates time-to-market for critical vaccines.
Emerging & Re-Emerging Diseases
The WHO blueprint has highlighted priority outbreak pathogens, but how are we preparing for and managing these threats? This track explores advances in vaccines, therapeutics, anddiagnostics for diseases like Ebola, Marburg, Nipah, and Lassa fever. Sessions will focus on strategies for pandemic preparedness, including global surveillance, rapid response, and innovation, tostrengthen readiness and response to infectious disease outbreaks.
Immune Profiling
At the intersection of precision medicine and vaccine design, the immune profiling conference explores recent efforts into infectious disease modelling, immune characterization and T/B cell interplay.Showcasing multifaceted technology platforms and powerful tools like multi-omic analysis, to offer deeper insights into the immune system, tailoring vaccines to individuals, and unlocking new avenuesto advance early vaccine development.
Clinical Trials
This focused clinical development track will allow you to showcase your expertise or learn from those involved in running new trial designs, challenge models and correlates of protection. Come to thesesessions to understand how move your vaccine candidates through development phases to licensure.
Working Groups
Dynamic, interactive sessions designed to move beyond traditional presentations and immerse participants in meaningful dialogue and collaboration. With a focus on hands-on brainstormingand open discussion, these sessions tackle key challenges and opportunities within the industry. Each group provides a platform for sharing experiences, generating actionable ideas, and fosteringconnections among attendees and experts. Tailored formats ensure engaging and impactful discussions, offering a unique opportunity to contribute to the future direction of the field.
Showcasing advancements in veterinary vaccinology and the integration of the One Health approach to address emerging threats. Sessions explore innovative vaccines for livestock,companion animals, and wildlife, including platforms for zoonotic diseases, improved vaccines for economically important species, and strategies for cross-species protection. With a focus onveterinary challenges, the programme also highlights the role of vaccines in public health, food security, and biosecurity, while addressing environmental factors and their impact on animal health.
Global Health & Neglected Diseases
Addressing the complex and urgent need for vaccines targeting neglected tropical diseases and other global health priorities, this track explores the challenges of developing vaccines for low-resource settings. Discussions focus on innovative financing mechanisms, capacity building, and collaborative strategies to accelerate R&D for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, andschistosomiasis. Highlighting approaches to overcoming market barriers and ensuring equitable vaccine access and delivery, reaching the populations that need them most.
Influenza & Respiratory
Respiratory diseases remain a global health challenge, demanding innovative vaccine solutions. This track covers the latest advancementsin vaccines for influenza, RSV, pneumococcal disease, and pan-respiratory combinations. Discussions will include updates on maternal, paediatric, andelderly vaccination strategies, as well as efforts to develop next-generation platforms addressing variant adaptability and cross-protection. Discoverhow these innovations are shaping prevention strategies across diverse populations.
Cancer & Immunotherapy
Cancer immunotherapy is transforming prevention and treatment. Explore advancements in cancer vaccines, early-stage breakthroughs,clinical data, and combination therapies. Discussions include innovative formulations, delivery mechanisms, and the future of personalised immunotherapies, offering insights into the intersection of oncology and vaccine science.
Partnerships & Access
Expand your network and partner internationally in these sessions. Covering public-private partnerships, government funding, and venturecapital, this track offers insights into cementing agreements between big pharma, biotechs, academia, and non-profits. Learn about strategies tosecure sustainable funding, manage pricing and reimbursement hurdles, and address barriers to market entry for emerging vaccines.
COVID & Beyond
Explore the latest advancements in pandemic preparedness and response, focusing on next-generation COVID-19 vaccines, broadlyprotective platforms, and combination approaches. This track provides critical updates on pandemic management and evolving strategies for globalreadiness.
New Technology
From synthetic biology to self-amplifying RNA, explore transformative technologies driving the next wave of vaccines. This track showcasescutting-edge platforms, novel adjuvants, automation in bioprocessing, AI in antigen discovery, and breakthrough delivery systems shaping the futureof immunisation.
Supply & Logistics
During the “decade of vaccines” the introduction of new vaccines, the vaccination of groups beyond infancy and tackling the equity gap in providingvaccines to all has meant that outdated immunization supply chains have been overstretched and have outgrown their ability to cope – come to thesesessions to learn how we are dealing with the supply demands and the technologies that will allow last mile delivery.