Scott Sleap | STEM Enrichment Coordinator - Principal Education Officer
NSW Department of Education

Scott Sleap, STEM Enrichment Coordinator - Principal Education Officer, NSW Department of Education

Honorary Professor Scott Sleap, is a leading Australian educator , merging space exploration themes with classroom learning. As a recipient of the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Fellowship and the Prime Minister's Prize for Excellence in Secondary Science Teaching, his impact on STEM education is both significant and widespread. As the STEM Enrichment Coordinator within the NSW Department of Education's Teaching, Learning, and Student Wellbeing Directorate, Professor Sleap leads a team dedicated to delivering STEM enrichment and curriculum programs. This includes overseeing the development of the innovative iSTEM Department Approved Elective course and where he is the Prinicpal of the NSW Virtual STEM Academy. A 2023 Winston Churchill Fellow, he conducted a study tour in the United States, working alongside esteemed organisations such as NASA, the Smithsonian Society, and the White House. These collaborations have furthered his expertise in space and STEM education, outreach, and workforce development. Professor Sleap's contributions to aerospace education include supporting the founding of the Aerospace Systems Engineering degree at the University of Newcastle. As the creator of the Department of Education's STEM Industry School Partnerships (SISP) program, he has developed programs that have reached over 200,000 students and played a key role in founding both the Australian and NSW Virtual STEM Academy. Holding a PhD in Engineering from the University of Newcastle, he has co-authored numerous academic papers, enriching the STEM field. As an Honorary Professor at the University of Newcastle School of Information and Physical Sciences, Professor Sleap supports various STEM initiatives and alumni programs at the university. 


Day 2 @ 09:00

The Artemis Effect: Inspiring the next STEM generation

Professor Scott Sleap will unveil how space exploration can energise STEM education and help fill Australia's growing STEM skill gaps. With 93% of US students interested in space, and Australia's role in space exploration growing, especially through the upcoming Artemis missions, this session will showcase the universal appeal of space as a catalyst for STEM interest and careers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Partnerships Enhancing STEM: Insights into how the NSW Department of Education's collaborations with space agencies and industry leaders are bringing real-world space science to classrooms, motivating students through direct engagement with Australia's space initiatives.
  • Space Exploration as an Equity Bridge: Strategies demonstrating how space can inspire students across diverse backgrounds, particularly in under-represented communities, by providing equal access to high-quality STEM learning experiences.
  • Access to Space Education Resources: Information on how educators can tap into Australian and international space-related programs and resources to spark student interest in STEM, with practical tips for integrating space into teaching.
  • Inspiring STEM Careers through Space: An exploration of how the excitement surrounding space and the Artemis missions can inspire students to pursue STEM careers, helping to address Australia's current skill shortages.

Professor Sleap's presentation will not only highlight the educational potential of space but also offer actionable insights for engaging students in STEM, showing the critical role of space in shaping the future of education and STEM workforce development in Australia.


last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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