Ronnelle Sanders | Lead Teacher and EAL/D Coordinator, K-6
St John's Anglican College

Ronnelle Sanders, Lead Teacher and EAL/D Coordinator, K-6, St John's Anglican College

Ronnelle has been an early childhood and primary classroom teacher in both State and Independent School settings and is currently the EAL/D Coordinator at St John's Anglican College. Language is her passion, with a key focus on the learning journey of children’s oracy skills and the strong interconnection with literacy and numeracy. She has presented at many Local, National Literacy Conferences and continues to be a strong advocate for the explicit development and establishment of engaged, supportive relationships between the home and school. 


Day 1 @ 13:50

Oracy: Unlocking the power of “Talk” (Foundation – Year 12)

  • What is oracy and the oracy framework
  • Top 10 Practical Tips for ‘talk’ inspiration and curriculum activities
  • The collaboration of talk between home and school
last published: 15/Feb/25 05:35 GMT

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