Danny Liu | Professor of Educational Technologies
The University of Sydney

Danny Liu, Professor of Educational Technologies, The University of Sydney

Danny is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. A multiple international and national teaching award winner, he works at the confluence of artificial intelligence, learning analytics, student engagement, educational technology, and professional development and leadership. He is a Professor of Educational Technologies in the DVC Education Portfolio at the University of Sydney, co-chairs the University's AI in Education working group, and leads the Cogniti.ai initiative that puts AI in the hands of educators.


Day 2 @ 10:30

Putting teachers in the driver’s seat of AI through ‘AI doubles’

If your students could have a teaching assistant clone of yourself available 24/7, what would that assistant do? In this session, we explore how higher education and K-12 educators are creating and steering their own AI agents tailored to their specific needs using a platform developed at the University of Sydney, Cogniti.ai. Through this platform, educators are addressing key challenges with AI in education such as ensuring equitable access, providing reliable responses, and allowing for greater control and safety. We demonstrate how AI doubles are already being used to facilitate inquiry, provide personalised learning, enhance feedback, and support learners – augmenting but not replacing what teachers do. Attendees will leave with an understanding of the possibilities for AI doubles in education and how they can start building their own AI agents that put teachers in the generative AI driver's seat.

last published: 26/Jul/24 04:05 GMT

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