Kenneth Lo | Director, SUTD Office of Digital Learning
Singapore University of Technology and Design

Kenneth Lo, Director, SUTD Office of Digital Learning, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Dr. Kenneth Lo is Director of Office of Digital Learning and Sector Lead of campusX at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), which involves educational innovations, pedagogy, and educational services such as Edutech, Library, and Fabrication Laboratory. AT SUTD Kenneth is leading an innovation program "campusX" to develop competency, tools, and systems for the future of education and sustainability. Kenneth has experience in technology innovations, predictive machine learning, and in designing engineering systems.


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 15:20

Panel – Blended learning solutions: integrating virtual and physical learning experiences

  • Creating functional, cohesive and equitable learning experiences 
  • Re-designing courses through technology tools and interactive content 
  • Fostering interaction and collaboration despite rapid tech advancements
last published: 25/Jul/24 08:55 GMT

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