Arnan Sipitakiat | Director, Teaching and Learning Innovation Center
Chiang Mai University

Arnan Sipitakiat, Director, Teaching and Learning Innovation Center, Chiang Mai University

Arnan (Roger) directs the Teaching and Learning Innovation Center (TLIC) at Chiang Mai University in Thailand. The center spearheads novel learning approaches, defines and operates competency frameworks, and conducts training for more than two thousand faculty members throughout the university. As a faculty and researcher at the Computer Engineering Department, he also directs the Learning Inventions Laboratory (LIL). Arnan focuses on designing technologically-rich learning tools, such as the  GoGo Board, that have allowed students to explore areas including robotics, interactive art, games, agriculture, and community development.  Arnan has established FabLabs and conducted an educational program called iTim (Interactive Technologies for the Inventive Minds) with schools in northern Thailand for more than 10 years. Arnan operates his laboratory as a public makerspace. Arnan has patented and licensed a number of his inventions. For example, his research in tangible programming has led him to become part of Google’s Bloks project.  Arnan has worked with the Suksaphattana Foundation to introduce educational development programs in Thailand’s schools, rural communities, and industries since 1997. He has spearheaded the Candlelight Project, the foundation’s ongoing collaboration with Stanford and later Columbia University, to make Thailand’s work known and influential internationally.


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 1 @ 16:35

Panel – Walking the EdTech tightrope: maximising impact with budget constraints

  • Identifying cost-effective EdTech solutions that align with educational goals
  • Creating maximum impact whilst delivering a strong ROI
  • Using existing EdTech tools creatively to tackle new issues
last published: 25/Jul/24 08:55 GMT

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