Imke Tammen | Dr. med. vet. MEd (Higher Education), MBEt
University of Sydney

Imke Tammen, Dr. med. vet. MEd (Higher Education), MBEt, University of Sydney

Imke has completed undergraduate training in veterinary medicine at the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine in Germany. Her postgraduate research doctorate degree (Dr. med. vet.) and a postdoctoral fellowship at the same institution focused on molecular genetics of inherited disease in livestock. She joined the University of Sydney in 1997 as a researcher and later academic. She completed a Master in Education (Higher Education) in 2006 and a Master in Bioethics in 2011. Imke's key research interests are the molecular characterisation of inherited diseases in livestock and providing online resources that facilitate management of inherited diseases in animals. In 2020, Imke joined Emeritus Prof. Frank Nicholas as curator of Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA,, a database summarising published inforamtion about inherited disorders, other (single-locus) traits, and associated genes and variants in more than 500 vertebrate animal species. Imke is leading jointly with Prof. Claire Wade a team of researchers, who launched in 2023 the Anstee Hub for Inherited Diseases in Animals (AHIDA,, a portal for reporting and surveillance of inherited diseaes in animals in Australia.


Day 2 @ 11:50

The Anstee Hub for Inherited Diseases in Animals (AHIDA) – a new online tool supporting veterinarians in their crucial role in managing inherited animal diseases

last published: 23/Oct/24 03:15 GMT

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