

EdSmart is a digital workflow, communications, and data integration platform specifically designed for K-12 schools and education groups. Established in May 2014, EdSmart has revolutionised school administration. EdSmart recently celebrated its 10 year anniversary - that's 10 years of helping schools transform traditional paper-based processes into streamlined, efficient, and secure digital workflows


Innovation and Impact:

EdSmart stands out for its innovative approach to school management. By integrating with various school systems, including Student Management Systems (SMS) and Learning Management Systems (LMS), EdSmart provides a unified platform that enhances communication, reduces administrative workload, and improves data accuracy.


Key features include:

(1) Digital Forms and Workflows: Automating administrative tasks such as permissions, approvals, and notifications, saving significant time and resources.

(2) Targeted Communications: Ensuring critical information reaches the right audience through multiple channels, including SMS, email, and app notifications.

(3) Data Integration: Seamlessly connecting with existing school systems to ensure data consistency and eliminate duplication of efforts.

(4) Security and Compliance: Adhering to the highest standards of data security (ISO27001 certified), ensuring the privacy and protection of sensitive information. EdSmart is one of the few EdTech companies in Australia which has an ISO27001 certification. 



Over the past decade, EdSmart has made significant strides in the education sector:

(1) Customer Base: EdSmart services over 1,400 schools across 7 countries. We now connect with the lives of more than one million people in Australia and overseas. Parents, students, and school staff can all interact with the EdSmart platform.

(2) Widespread Adoption: We’re contracted with every state school in South Australia and have recently rolled out to all the Tasmanian state schools. We already serve all the Catholic schools in Brisbane and Cairns and will soon be used across Catholic schools in South Australia. Additionally, some of the largest independent schools in the country are EdSmart customers. Together, we’re contracted with around 1,400 schools.

(3) User Engagement: Facilitating over 20 million form submissions annually, demonstrating the platform's robust capability and widespread adoption.

(4) Recognition: Acknowledged as a leader in EdTech, with numerous awards and accolades for innovation and impact in education including being a finalist in GESS Education Awards in 2023 and HolonIQ's Top 50 EdTech Companies in Australia and New Zealand in 2023.


More than a software solution: 

EdSmart is more than just a software solution; it is a partner in education excellence. By empowering educators and administrators with efficient tools, EdSmart enables schools to focus more on teaching and less on administration. The platform’s flexibility and scalability ensure it meets the diverse needs of different school environments, driving continuous improvement in educational outcomes.

