Rachel Vu | GPC Workshop Facilitator
Monash University

Rachel Vu, GPC Workshop Facilitator, Monash University

Rachel  is committed to empowering the young generation to strive for personal growth and community development through capacity building. She has over ten years of working experience with educational NGOs and universities in Australia and Vietnam. Her primary areas of interest in digital learning include Digital Literacy, Education Data, Technology Acceptance and Instructional Design. She is delving into the nuances of Digital Transformation (DX) in the Higher Education landscape, focusing on AI adoption. She enjoys supporting and sharing with industry experts and educators about education, technology and leading educational technology change. 


Pre-conference Workshops @ 10:00

[M2] 5 Nov (AM) - Leveraging AI and adapting assessments for holistic student evaluation [FULLY SUBSCRIBED]

Leveraging AI and Adapting Assessments for Holistic Student Evaluation"" is designed to empower leaders, administrators, faculties and staffs from HE backgrounds. It focuses on the integration of AI in assessments for holistic student evaluation, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding, ethical consideration, and hands-on skills in this evolving domain.

Traditional assessment methods highlight their drawbacks such as providing limited insights into learning, lacking personalisation, and being outdated in assessing current skills. AI has begun to address some of these issues by offering more adaptive and relevant assessment tools. AI-based techniques such as automated assessment construction, AI-assisted peer assessment, and data analytics, have been developed to offload tasks from humans to AI and help to promote holistic assessment. However, the new challenges introduced by AI, emphasize the need for careful consideration in integrating AI into designing and implementing assessments.

The workshop will address the existing applications of AI for assessment in HE, highlighting both its challenges and opportunities. This exploration will include real-world examples and academic insights, providing a comprehensive outlook on AI's impact on student holistic assessment. Our discussion will also place a significant emphasis on ethical considerations by exploring the complexities of adopting AI for student assessment.

With a strong emphasis on practical application, attendees will engage in collaborative tasks to design AI-powered assessment strategies suitable for various higher education contexts. Through interactive discussions and collaborative tasks, participants will develop critical skills to ethically implement AI tools in their assessment design to enhance holistic student evaluations.

Workshop participants will:

  • Attain a deep understanding of how AI is currently employed in HE settings and identify challenges and opportunities for its application for student assessment
  • Develop critical skills in navigating the ethical considerations of AI use for AI for assessment design
  • Acquire hands-on skills and strategies in adopting AI for holistic assessments that are adaptable to various HE educational contexts

EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 11:00

Panel – The future of AI and machine learning

  • Generative AI-powered curriculum design, assessment and decision-making
  • Redefining the role of educators in the age of AI
  • Ethics training to reduce bias and discrimination
last published: 25/Jul/24 08:55 GMT

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