Pepita Gunawan | Founder and Managing Director
REFO Indonesia

Pepita Gunawan, Founder and Managing Director, REFO Indonesia

Pepita Gunawan was born in Indonesia. She completed her Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences and her Master's degree in Business Administration from the National University of Singapore. She started off her career as an educator for life-skills programs in Singapore (2003-2008). Since then, she has always been engaged in the education field. She spent five years in Google Asia Pacific (2012-2017) building the edutech ecosystem in Indonesia.  In 2018, she founded PT. Reformasi Generasi Indonesia or REFO. REFO aimed to reform education stakeholders in Indonesia to generate holistic, purposeful, and godly leaders. Through REFO’s programs and YouTube channel, the lives of more than 1,000,000 educators nationwide have been impacted. REFO is Indonesia’s top Professional Development and partner of Google for Education. Pepita has been actively engaged in local dan global, education, edutech, and startup communities. Her latest engagements included these occasions but not limited to: MY Startup NXT (Penang-MY, September 2023), EduTech Asia (Singapore-SG, November 2023), International IPEKA Schools Teachers’ Professional Development (Jakarta-ID, January 2024), and EduTech Asia Advisory Board (Singapore-SG, January - December 2024).


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 14:35

Panel – Educational leadership for sustainable impact: advancing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

  • Education, a key enabler for sustainable development and social progress
  • The role of education in nurturing students’ awareness, critical thinking and activism
  • Encouraging ownership of sustainability and driving broader change
last published: 14/Oct/24 07:15 GMT

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