Jacob Martin | Deputy Head of College
Dulwich College Singapore

Jacob Martin, Deputy Head of College, Dulwich College Singapore

Currently Jacob is the Deputy Head of College at Dulwich College (Singapore) leading the compassionate systems framework within the College and driving the development of Global Citizenship and Sustainability. He is also developing networks of schools in the South East Asian region seeking to develop a Compassionate Systems Hub. Jacob is part of the founding cohort of the MIT led global project with the framework and a certified Master Practitioner in the field. Jacob has responsibility for the teraching and learning programme and pastoral care of 3000 students at the school in Singapore. He is also the Designated Safeguarding lead for the College. 


EDUtech Asia 2024 Conference Day 2 @ 11:55

Case study presentation – Nurturing global citizens: education for future leaders and global citizenship

  • Equipping learners to address global challenges (environmental, economic, and social) through innovative leadership
  • Strategies to inspire learners to actively contribute to local and global communities
  • The significance of promoting cultural awareness and addressing how cross-cultural competence contributes to effective communication and collaboration
last published: 14/Oct/24 07:15 GMT

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