Carla Hoorweg | Chief Executive Officer

Carla Hoorweg, Chief Executive Officer, ANCAP SAFETY

Appointed to the position of ANCAP Chief Executive Officer in December 2020, Carla Hoorweg joined Australasia’s independent and trusted voice on vehicle safety following 20 years in the financial services sector where she specialised in policy development, advocacy and regulatory change, government relations, business management and strategy.

As ANCAP Chief Executive Officer, Carla is responsible for leading and managing the organisation including the delivery of its internationally-recognised star rating program, development of test protocols, engagement with industry and stakeholders, execution of strategic objectives, consumer communications and advocacy, regulatory engagement, policy development and financial and administrative management.


Day 1 @ 13:15

Implementing a vehicle testing protocol in response to new vehicle technology adoption

last published: 30/Oct/24 22:35 GMT
last published: 30/Oct/24 22:35 GMT

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