Who Attends?


Market leaders and industry experts from across the country will attend the event to do business and get up-to-speed with the latest developments in the fields of infrastructure, traffic management, smart mobility, parking, safety and active transport.


Attendees will learn from 18 captivating conference streams and have the opportunity to meet, find, test and compare the latest equipment, machinery, tech and services.




Federal, State, Local Councils


Investment Banks, Superannuation Funds



Metro, Trains, Bus, Ferry, Light Rail, Coach, School Bus, Taxi, Hire Car


Property Developers, Automotive Manufacturers, Utilities



Designers, Planners, Specifiers, Engineers, Project Management & Delivery, Environmental Assessment, Asset Management


Machinery, Equipment, Materials, Components, Fixtures, Traffic Management Solutions



Construction, Excavation, Civil Contractors, Roadworks, Site Management, Safety


ICT Solution Providers, Big Data, Geospatial, Monitoring, Sensors



Fleet Managers, Buses, Logistics & Supply Chain, Ride Sharing, Electric Vehicles


Research, Big Data, Consulting, Modelling, Traffic Counting




Why Attend?



The National Roads & Traffic Expo is a two day in-person event for the roads transport professionals where attendees listen, learn, interact and do business with some of the leading thinkers, visionaries and disruptors in the roads transport sector. If you are in the road transport sector and are considering buying new technology, products and/or services, then the National Roads & Traffic Expo is the event for you!


  • Free to attend
  • Walk the trade floor to evaluate and compare products and services side-by-side
  • Find and place orders for new construction equipment, machinery, materials and services
  • Find new suppliers and partners
  • Be the first to know about new tenders and uncover new business opportunities
  • Quiz suppliers about the strengths and weaknesses of their solutions
  • Find innovative new ways of designing, building and solving engineering and construction challenges
  • Attend product demonstrations and conference presentations
  • Talk to experts about finding better, cheaper, faster and more reliable ways of managing your business
  • Gather information to help you make informed purchasing decisions
  • Get answers right away, whether from a supplier, consultant, colleague or competitor, everyone is in attendance …trade shows allow for immediate and easy two-way communication. This is where you’ll find your answers
  • Participate in educational seminars, networking events and surveys that only take place at trade showS
  • Gain exposure to new people, new business and new ways of thinking for your business success
  • Often you just don’t know what you don’t know until you explore the trade floor and talk to expert suppliers



As the whole world and the transport sector faces up to the challenges of a zero-carbon future, The National Roads & Traffic Expo provides insight and leadership not available from any other source – sustainability is a key theme across all elements of our show.



The National Roads & Traffic Expo offers genuine thought leadership from those with a considered view of the future. Led by key road transport visionaries, our conference is the one event you need to attend in 2024.




The National Roads & Traffic Expo will host over 200 exhibitors in 2024 and is guaranteed to bring world-leading solutions providers together with customers and prospects. It is the place for the road transport value-chain to create new partnerships, demonstrate new capabilities and unveil innovative new technologies.



We emphasise innovation and disruptive technology in everything that we do: innovation zones, competitions and a thriving start-up zone. We unite the disruptors and innovators that are pushing the sector forward to meet the new challenges.