espresso Displays


The business was founded by a team of passionate engineers who recognised a clear unmet need for portable display technology that served the rapidly changing and diverse needs of how people work.

Shipping its first product range in 2019 with the launch of the world’s thinnest portable display, espresso Displays has rapidly evolved in its capability to deliver interactive display experiences. Today, the brand delivers innovation across a range of hardware and software applications that provide productivity anywhere our customers or their teams work.
The cofounders, Will Scuderi, Scott McKeon, Gary Caldarola, and Fabian Maritato, are actively involved in the brand’s growth and day-to-day operations. They are deeply invested in listening to the needs of customers and collaborating with partners to solve problems with world-leading innovation.
All espresso Displays product R&D, design, and engineering is undertaken in Sydney, Australia, by a team of people who are driven to enable people to achieve more by removing limitations through product innovation.

espresso Display customers range from business professionals, creatives and designers, producers, travellers, digital nomads, and more.
With a unique approach to design, innovation and developing the best interactive touchscreen experiences in ultra-portable form factors, espresso Displays is committed to the goal of removing frictions from our relationship with the technology we use.

You can read more about the latest from espresso Displays.

Learn more about our product portfolio
