Chris Houchens | Director, Division CBRN MCMs

Chris Houchens, Director, Division CBRN MCMs, BARDA


Pre-Congress Workshops - 21st April @ 10:00


Pipeline Updates for Priority Pathogens

10am Chair’s opening remarks

10:15 WHO updated priority pathogens

10:30 Vaccines against Salmonella and Shigella enteric pathogensFrancesca Micoli, Director, GVGH Innovation Academy & Senior Project Leader, GSK

11:00 Oligosaccharide synthesis for vaccine development against Acinetobacter Prof Luigi Lay, Department of Chemistry, University of Milan

11:15 A Maternally Administered Vaccine for Infant Group B StreptococcusSenior Representative, Pfizer   

11:30 Vaccine Development against Staph Aures

11:45 A vaccine against staph and MRSA infectionsProf Xufei Huang, Associate Chair for Research, Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering, Michigan State University

12:00 Vaccine development against KlebsiellaTim Cooke, CEO, Omniose

12:15 Panel: Commonalities and challenges for advancing the development of vaccines against priority AMR pathogensAll Morning Speakers 

1:00 - 2:00 Lunch Break 

2:00 Panel: Development and impact of novel TB vaccines

3:00 TBC

3:30 BMGF AMR Strategy Dr Usman Nakakana, Senior Progam Officer for Clinical Vaccine Development, BMGF 

4:00 Panel: Funding and Partnering to support novel tools against AMRDr Usman Nakakana, Senior Progam Officer for Clinical Vaccine Development, BMGF Chris Houchens, Director Division of CBRN Countermeasures, BARDA

last published: 20/Sep/24 14:25 GMT

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