Originally a commercial banker, Helene is the creator of and Managing Director for SBC Colab FinTech, the world-first corporate-scale up commercial execution programme in London and NY. Previous roles include the creation and launch the Inaugural Programme of Education and Events for the UK FinTech trade body, Innovate Finance and lead on the Grant Thornton high-growth access to finance initiative, Growth Accelerator, which saw her tech client base raise over £20m in two years.
Helene is a highly experienced FinTech Investment Readiness Consultant, Programme Director, Exited Entrepreneur and Educator. She. She has an extensive network and active relationships with FinTechs, accelerators, traditional and alternative debt/equity finance providers, academic, political, regulatory, and board level industry figures.
Since 2017, she has been the Lead Fellow on a world-first FinTech Pathway in a Masters in Tech Entrepreneurship Degree for UCL, Lead Adjunct Fellow on the Imperial College Business School MSc in Finance, and co-creator and lead delivery partner on the Imperial College FinTech Executive Education Programme. Named a Top 10 Influencer in SME Funding, Helene is the author of Business Funding for Dummies (Wiley). In 2018, Helene was named one of the Leading Women in Tech by Computer Weekly and a Leadership Fellow by St George’s House, a British organisation committed to effecting change for the better by nurturing wisdom through dialogue.